Revise "datatype" attribute declarations and associated Schematron rules |
Closed |
2010-03-02 |
Fixed |
Medium High
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-05-07 12:33:19
I notice that one of the ways Schematron rules are used extensively is enforcing "datatype" attribute values. For example:
<xsd:element name="password_hist_len" type="oval-def:EntityStateIntType" minOccurs="0">
<sch:pattern id="win-def_ppstepassword_hist_len">
<sch:rule context="win-def:passwordpolicy_state/win-def:password_hist_len">
<sch:assert test="@datatype='int'"><sch:value-of select="../@id"/> - datatype attribute for the password_hist_len entity of a passwordpolicy_state should be 'int'</sch:assert>
I started thinking, "Why is every single element that is declared of type 'EntityStateIntType' enforcing the value of '@datatype'? Can't the 'EntityStateIntType' do that?" So I took a look at the definition of 'EntityStateIntType':
<xsd:complexType name="EntityStateIntType">
<xsd:restriction base="oval-def:EntityBaseType">
<xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:integer oval:EmptyStringType"/>
OK, that puts a restriction on the content of the element to be an integer or an empty string. What about restricting the value of the 'datatype' attribute? Something like:
<xsd:restriction base="oval-def:EntityStateIntType">
<xsd:attribute name="datatype" type="oval:DatatypeEnumeration" use="required" fixed="int"/>
Which says you must have a datatype attribute and its value must be "int" – just what the Schematron rule enforces. (Although the Schematron rule says 'should' rather than 'must' so maybe datatype="int" is a strong recommendation and not a requirement? In which case Schematron is the way to go.) That gives us:
<xsd:complexType name="EntityStateIntType">
<xsd:documentation>The EntityStateIntType type is extended by the entities of an individual OVAL State. This type provides uniformity to each state entity by including the attributes found in the EntityStateBaseType. This specific type describes simple integer data. The empty string is also allowed when using a variable reference with an element.
<xsd:restriction base="oval-def:EntityBaseType">
<xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:integer oval:EmptyStringType"/>
<xsd:attribute name="datatype" type="oval:DatatypeEnumeration" use="required" fixed="int"/>
Which declares two restrictions on the EntityBaseType, one restricting the contents and one restricting the datatype attribute value.
I did a search of windows-definitions-schema.xsd and there are just over 500 Schematron rules related to checking the datatype attribute values. That seems like a lot of rules for something that could be enforced by XML Schema at the "Type" level rather than the element instance level.
Date Added: 2010-05-05 12:38:48 The change to use "fixed" in the attribute declaration has been implemented.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:58:31 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
add support for "extended attributes" on files. |
Closed |
2010-05-05 |
Fixed |
Medium High
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-08-03 15:19:39
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_file_attributes for a brief explanation of extended attributes. They are used by several operating systems, and security related information is often stored within them. OVAL needs a way to inspect them.
Specifically, SE Linux uses them to store security context, and POSIX Access Control Lists (ACLs) on Linux are implemented using extended attributes. However, it has been determined that OVAL should implement these items as first class entities rather than relying on extended attributes.
See the OVAL Developer list archives for further discussions on this topic.
Date Added: 2010-05-11 17:30:42 Note need to be added to the documentation stating that the OVAL definition for
Extended Attributes does not include what Solaris calls Extended Attributes.
Date Added: 2010-05-17 17:08:32 Draft 2 of version 5.8 will include a solution like the following:
Create a new fileextendedattribute_test. This new test would have the following object and state:
- path
- filename
- attribute_name - the name of an attribute. Could be a
pattern match or variable to allow
searching for sets of names.
- path
- filename
- attribute_name
- value
- path
- filename
- attribute_name
- value
xinetd_item port entity should have integer type |
Closed |
2009-10-14 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-12 10:38:11
The port entity of xinetd_item should have integer type, e.g. xsd:integer.
Date Added: 2010-08-05 16:45:45 The xinetd_state's port entity also needs to be changed to an integer.
This change will be included in draft 6 of version 5.8.
process_object needs a pid entity |
Closed |
2010-03-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-06-07 18:35:19
Currently process_object has one entity, 'command'. This is a poor choice for an object entity, since there can be many processes which were started from the same command. The real identifier for a process is the process ID, which we currently have as an item entity. We need to promote this to an object entity.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:48:59 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
Date Added: 2010-06-07 18:35:19 Adding a pid entity to the process_object will invalidate existing content and break backward compatibility. We have created a new process58_test, process58_object, and process58_state in order to add the pid entity and not invalidate existing content. The process58_object will collect process_items. This change will be included in draft 3 of version 5.8.
change several unix-sc item entities to be based on ints rather than strings |
Closed |
2009-05-06 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-08-12 10:38:10
The following should be oval-sc:EntityItemIntType instead of oval-sc:EntityItemStringType. There may be more, but this is
a good start.
c_time *
m_time *
In all cases listed above the documentation states that the entities should hold numeric values. Each of the items listed also needs to be changed in the corresponding state and object.
* If this is seconds since last Epoch --documentation is not clear. An example or guidance based on stat man page would be nice.
Date Added: 2010-08-03 11:19:04 The documentation for the unix-def:file_item now states that the a_time, c_time, and m_time are all in seconds since the Unix epoch.
Date Added: 2010-08-05 18:49:52 Each of the changes listed above also needs a parallel change in the unix definitions schema.
Date Added: 2010-08-05 19:03:38 In all cases the documentation defines the listed entities as being integers. I have verified that in all cases the OVAL Interpreter currently only outputs numeric values for these entities. Any content that uses string values instead of numeric values is incorrect and will likely lead to incorrect results.
All of the items listed above will be corrected an included in draft 6 of version 5.8.
add capability to specify test result other than unknown, true or false |
Closed |
2009-10-31 |
Rejected |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-06-29 18:03:43
Users would like to have a definition evaluate to true in one condition, false in another, and not applicable in yet another condition.
The oval-res:ResultEnumeration defines 6 results possible result values. Do users need to be able to force evaluation to additional values beyond not applicable?
One of the posts that requested this is here:
Date Added: 2010-03-10 13:33:38 http://n2.nabble.com/Oval-toc-heck-for-Windows-Services-Status-tp4623881p4708988.html
Date Added: 2010-06-10 13:25:20 see also:
Date Added: 2010-06-29 18:03:42 This feature request was a topic of discussion at 2010 OVAL Developer Days. The group strongly supported not addressing this feature request and noted tow important items:
1- OVAL Definitions should be thought of as granular checks and as such, the higher level context should determine which checks should be applied to a system.
2- OVAL Results currently provide adequate data to determine if a false test result was due to an existence_check failure or a state evaluation failure.
add pid entity to the ind-def:environmentvariable_object |
Closed |
2010-04-17 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-08-02 19:06:52
the following was submitted in response to the version 5.6 schema:
>* The environmentvariable_item for example is meaningless unless tied to a
>process ID. Each process can have a unique environment and in many cases,
>daemon initscripts purge or reset values. Should this element require a pid or
>at least allow specifying one?
Good point. I think the correct solution here would be to add a pid entity to the environmentvariable_object since really the environment variables are tied to a process. This would suggest that the pid will distinguish one set on environment variables from another. I would also suggest making this new pid entity nillable. This would allow a content author to essentially leave off the pid which we could define as meaning that the tools should collect environment variables information for the tool's running process. Then the pid would of course be added to the environmentvariable_state and environmentvariable_item. If we go this route we will of course need to update the documentation around this test, object, state, and item.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:56:32 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
Date Added: 2010-06-02 11:14:39 Adding a pid entity to the environmentvariable_object will invalidate existing content and break backward compatibility. Created a new environmentvariable58_test, environmentvariable58_object, environmentvariable58_state, and environmentvariable58_item in order to add the pid entity and not invalidate existing content. This change will be included in draft 3 of version 5.8
add support for additional hash algorithms to the ind-def:filehash_test |
Closed |
2010-04-17 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-06 16:04:40
>* The filehash_item asks for a md5sum to be calculated. If the system is in
>FIPS-140 certified mode, md5 is a forbidden hash algorithm. So, should md5 be
>deprecated at this point? Then if you look at the NIST Hash Migration policy,
>http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/hash/policy.html, it says that the SHA2 family
>of hashes should be used from 2010 forward. NIST is also having a new hash
>algorithm contest, so there will be a new hash at some point in the future.
>Should this item be amended so that a hash algorithm can be specified in the
>test? Perhaps defaulting to SHA256 in the absence of anything.
Clearly our supported hash choices are dated. I don't think we want to deprecate MD5 for some use cases it is still perfectly valid. If a system is in FIPS mode and a tool running on that system is supplies an oval definition that want to examine the md5 of a file the tool should be able to simply not collect the file's md5. The fact that the tools did not collect the md5 could be recorded on the entity in the item by setting the status attribute to "not collected". The tool could even add a message to the item stating that the md5 could not be collected because md5 is forbidden when running in fips mode.
OPTION 1 - Add Entities Per Hash Algorithm
As of version 5.6 and soon to be version 5.7 only md5 and sha1 are supported. The standard approach to adding support for more hashing algorithms would be to add a new entity to the filehash_state and filehash_item to support each additional hashing algorithm. If we take this approach we would of course have an ever growing list of entities in the filehash_sate. The fact that the list grows is not a huge concern to me since really this list will not grow very fast, and we can add new entities with each minor release if needed. If we take this approach we end up with filehash_items potentially including a long list of hashes. There is nothing that states that a tool mush support all these hashes, and there is nothing that says that a tool must actually collect all of the possible hashes. If the list gets long and tools do try to collect all the supported hashes they will run into performance issues. One benefit of this approach is that we can be very explicit and define elements for each supported hash algorithm. This will facilitate interoperability by allowing tools to essentially code directly to a defined set of elements.
OPTION 2 - Add Hash Type to Object Specification
I think you have suggested that that the type of hash be specified in the object like:
This would result in a new filehash_state that looked like:
You have suggested another approach that would allow for a possibly more dynamic list of hashes to be supported, and provided a suggestion to tool implementers that only one specific hash should be collected. I like the sound of this suggestion because it clearly states to tool implementers that they need only collect a specific hash and I think it fits with the notion of an OVAL Object because the three entities in the example filehash_object would uniquely identify a file with its specific hash. My concern with this suggestion is around the content of the <hash_type> entity. I would like to restrict the set of possible values and explicitly define what each of those values means to ensure content interoperability. This would lead me to restrict the possible values of the element to a defined enumeration. If we define an enumeration, the set of supported hash algorithms is not any more dynamic than simply adding a new state entity for each new hash algorithm.
In considering both options the first option is really just adding new entities to an existing test. Option 2 suggests that we deprecate the current test and create a new test that includes the hash type as a parameter in the object and deprecating the existing filehash_test. Option 2 suggests a bit of an implementation change for tools and is a fairly simple concept for content authors to pick up. Option 2 may lead tool implementers towards a more efficient solution by reducing the hashing that a tool might do on a given file down to only the requested hash.
I am not sure what the best approach is here and would be interested in how others would like to see us proceed. Either way I think we clearly need to add support for more hashing algorithms in the next release.
Date Added: 2010-04-20 13:51:17 consider the following resource:
Date Added: 2010-05-07 18:08:54 More information can be found in the mailing list archives here:
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:50:54 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
Date Added: 2010-06-08 12:08:13 Still need to consider the list of supported hash algorithms. Are there others that we should support?
Date Added: 2010-07-06 16:04:40 There are no outstanding requests for additional hash algorithms.
add new lin-def:if_listeners_test for AF_PACKET family |
Closed |
2010-04-20 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-12 17:55:08
From Steve Grubb
"As for AF_PACKET family...I was going to propose another test. Turns out
things like tcpdump can bind to a device (eth0 for example) rather than an IP
address. So, I was thinking that to find any network sniffers, you need a
if_listeners test."
Date Added: 2010-07-02 20:16:03 Initial proposal to the oval-developer-list:
interface_name (string)
interface_name (string)
protocol (linux-def:EntityStateProtocolType)
hw_address (string)
program_name (string)
pid (int)
user_id (int)
interface_name (string)
protocol (linux-sc:EntityItemProtocolType)
hw_address (string)
program_name (string)
pid (int)
user_id (int)
The linux-def:EntityStateProtocolType and linux-sc:EntityItemProtocolType
enumerations will contain the protocol types defined in linux/if_ether.h.
Additional information regarding this proposal can be found on the
oval-developer-list archives at the following link.
These changes will be available in Draft 3 of Version 5.8.
Date Added: 2010-07-06 15:10:06 Updated if_listeners_* to iflisteners_* to align with the naming convention for OVAL tests. This change will be available in Draft 4 of Version 5.8.
add result directive to allow for lighter weight results with ability to track causal information |
Closed |
2010-05-05 |
Deferred |
| Category:
Result Schemas
| Date Closed:
2011-01-12 11:40:53
Currently OVAL Results can be tailored through the use of directives to control various levels of result verbosity. The ability to specify a lightweight set of results that includes only information about issues detected and what caused the definition to report the issue is needed. Consider the following definition criteria:
Example definition id=123
- non compliant config on windows xp or
- widows xp is installed and
- minimum password length is 8 or more
- non compliant config on windows vista or
- widows vista is installed and
- minimum password length is 8 or more
- non compliant config on windows 7
- widows 7 is installed and
- minimum password length is 8 or more
If my system is running windows 7 in my lightweight results i would like to see something like:
definition 123: result = false, observed value = 6, expected value >= 8
Date Added: 2010-08-04 11:01:02 This topic was discussed during the oval session at the 2010 Security Automation Developer Days. here is link to the minutes from that discussion:
Date Added: 2010-08-04 11:37:58 As a result of the developer days discussion, two other tracker items were opened and have been fixed in the drafts of version 5.8.
1- allow source OVAL Definition documents to be optional in OVAL Results
2- add capability to tailor OVAL Result directives by OVAL Definition class
Based on the discussion at developer days there are two additional issue that remain open for discussion:
1- add additional levels to the oval-res:ContentEnumeration beyond thin and full that are defined as of version 5.7. See tracker item #27171
2- add an optional report_value attribute to all state entities in the oval-definitions-schema. See tracker item #27172
Date Added: 2010-08-04 11:39:10 This item is being marked as deferred and closed since it has been replaced by several other smaller tracker items.
add foreign_port and foreign_address entities to the win-def:port_test |
Closed |
2010-05-05 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-05-25 11:11:35
Copied from developer list email:
Looking at the OVAL schema docs, it doesn't appear that information on the remote (foreign) side of open connections is available in the Windows port_test. Is this an intentional omission, or an oversight? Note that it's available via netstat on the commandline. I expected to see foreign_address and foreign_port analogs to the local_address and local_port elements of port_object and port_state (not sure if they'd want to be in the object or just the state).
I should add that I've only checked netstat output under Windows XP. I suppose if this test dates back far enough, and earlier versions of Windows didn't report the foreign addr & port information, that would explain why the test doesn't include them. Probably worth checking different versions of Windows.
Anyway, if there isn't some compelling reason to keep the remote side out of the test, could it be added in 5.8?
Date Added: 2010-05-25 11:11:35 Added foreign_address and foreign_port entities to draft 2 of version 5.8.
allow local_port to be a regex in the win-def:port_test |
Closed |
2010-05-06 |
Rejected |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-05-14 23:51:39
in version 5.7 the local_port entity in the win-def:port_test is based on the oval-def:EntityObjectIntType. This type will restrict the allowed datatype and value to be only integers. If only integers are allowed then we cannot use a regular expression to match more sophisticated criteria than a simple port number. It should be common to need to match ranges of ports or to allow for a match of any port.
A search of the schema for other similar issues should also be conducted. Need to verify that oval-def:EntityObjectIntType is properly being used.
Date Added: 2010-05-14 23:51:39 Further investigation an consideration suggests that all uses of the oval-def:EntityObjectIntType are in fact appropriate. In the specific case of the local_port entity restricting the datatype to only allow int will work since we have the ability to use variables and greater than and less than operators to identify port ranges.
add algorithm entity to the unix-def:shadow_state and unix-sc:shadow_item |
Closed |
2010-05-07 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-05-25 11:55:15
>* In the shadow_item, the encryption algorithm is specified within the
>field ( http://people.redhat.com/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt ). Should the
>be broken out specifically? How would someone write a test that checks
>that a
>system has SHA256 encoded passwords?
I think we simply need to add a new field to the unix-def:shadow_state and unix-sc-shadow_item to capture the algorithm that was use to encode the password. I think this is a simple string based entity that will record the algorithm.
In order to do effective tests of the algorithm we need to make sure we define what the allowed values are in this new algorithm entity. I would be inclined to define an enumeration of the allowed values. Is there a system api that will list the values? Or is this list of algorithms going to be essentially the same as the list used for the filehash_test that we have been discussing?
Date Added: 2010-05-07 20:19:14 see also:
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:56:10 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
add aix-def:netop_test |
Closed |
2010-05-10 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-05-12 12:22:25
Security guide authors need to look at AIX's tunable (i.e., configurable)
network parameters. These parameters are queried via the AIX /usr/sbin/no
command. I'd like to propose the following netop_test be added to the OVAL AIX
component schema so that these parameters can be examined:
- tunable: string - the name of the tuning parameter
- tunable: string
- value: string - the value to compare to
See the developer list forum for more information:
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:55:50 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
allow key on win-def:regkeyeffectiverights53_object to be nil |
Closed |
2010-05-14 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-05-14 11:47:42
The key entity of the win-def:regkeyeffectiverights53_object should be nilable to allow effective rights to be collected on registry hives.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:55:43 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
allow more than one message on an oval-sc:ItemType |
Closed |
2010-05-21 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-05-21 13:46:29
The oval-sc:ItemType currently allows 0 or 1 message. For more verbose error reporting from data collection operations more than 1 message needs to be supported.
Date Added: 2010-05-21 16:50:24 Ended up setting the maxOccurs to 50 to allow for a fairly large, but not unbounded set of messages.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:55:29 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
minOccurs and maxOccurs in object declarations allow for numerous empty objects |
Closed |
2010-05-24 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-05-24 17:53:53
As of draft 1 of version 5.8 there are many instances in the schema where the immediate xsd:sequence parent element of the object entity has a minOccurs="0".
This is also true for their corresponding set elements (minOccurs = "0"). As a result, these objects will pass validation without having any child elements which will result in undefined behaviors for tool implementers. There are very few objects that should actually be permitted to have no child entities.
A few examples of this are:
independent-definitions-schema.xsd (environmentvariable_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 438:43
Offset: 41504
Length: 42
independent-definitions-schema.xsd (textfilecontent54_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 1101:43
Offset: 107300
Length: 42
independent-definitions-schema.xsd (textfilecontent_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 1345:43
Offset: 132993
Length: 42
independent-definitions-schema.xsd (variable_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 1504:43
Offset: 147837
Length: 42
independent-definitions-schema.xsd (xmlfilecontent_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 1594:43
Offset: 156184
Length: 42
unix-definitions-schema.xsd (dnscache_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 55:43
Offset: 6434
Length: 42
unix-definitions-schema.xsd (partition_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 788:43
Offset: 78257
Length: 42
windows-definitions-schema.xsd (dnscache_object)
Severity: info
Description: <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Start location: 1063:43
Offset: 109317
Length: 42
Date Added: 2010-05-24 17:53:53 This should be considered a high priority issue that requires fixing in a minor release despite the fact that it breaks backwards compatibility.
Technically speaking any existing content that included empty object declarations would no longer validate. However, these empty objects should really be considered invalid since a tool cannot possibly collect information specified by one of these empty objects.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:55:21 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
deprecate password entity in the unix-def:shadow_test |
Closed |
2010-05-25 |
Rejected |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-06-23 17:44:03
There is a general concern about the security implications of holding the password hash in possibly unprotected oval result files.
One possible solution might be to simply use the mask attribute to hide the password entity value.
This request was discussed on the following developer list thread:
Date Added: 2010-06-07 11:43:02 The mask attribute can be used to hide the password hash if desired.
add linux-def:rpmverify_test |
Closed |
2010-05-26 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-06-23 17:43:27
I received a request for a test that would allow OVAL content authors to verify rpms similar to the behavior supported by the rpm -V command. Do we need this capability in OVAL?
Assuming we had such a test will we actually use it?
Below is a bit more background and a mock up of how we might implement this test:
rpmverify_test - holds a reference to a rpmverify_object and rpmverify_state.
- name - the name of the package to test.
Could be a regex to allow checking of all, or sets of rpms.
- filepath - the full path to a file in a package.
Could be a regex to allow checking of all files or sets of files.
- name - string
- filepath - string
- size_differs - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- mode_differs - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- md5_differs - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- device_differs - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- link_mismatch - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- ownership_differs - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- group_differs - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- mtime_differs - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- capabilities_differ - possible values = pass/fail/not performed
- attribute_marker - possible values = configuration file/documentation file/
ghost file/license file/readme file
These behaviors will be defined to allow for tailoring of the data collection process. These behaviors will essentially mirror all needed flags on the rpm -V command.
- nodeps - (boolean) - Don't verify dependencies of packages.
- nodigest - (boolean) - Don't verify package or header digests when reading.
- nofiles - (boolean) - Don't verify any attributes of package files.
- noscripts - (boolean) - Don't execute the %verifyscript scriptlet (if any).
- nosignature - (boolean) - Don't verify package or header signatures when reading.
- nolinkto - (boolean) - Don't verify symbolic links attribute.
- nomd5 - (boolean) - Don't verify the file md5 attribute.
- nosize - (boolean) - Don't verify the file size attribute.
- nouser - (boolean) - Don't verify the file owner attribute.
- nogroup - (boolean) - Don't verify the file group owner attribute.
- nomtime - (boolean) - Don't verify the file mtime attribute.
- nomode - (boolean) - Don't verify the file mode attribute.
- nordev - (boolean) - Don't verify the file rdev attribute.
- noconfigfiles - (boolean) - skip files that are marked with the %config attribute marker.
- noghostfiles - (boolean) - skip files that are maked with %ghost attribute marker.
The full discussion on this topic can be viewed in the archives here:
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:49:24 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
create explicit mapping of tests, objects, states, and items |
Closed |
2010-05-28 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-12 10:38:07
Currently the relationship between a test, object, state, and item is largely implied based on the names of the elements. This mapping should be made explicit in a machine interpretable format. It should be possibly to examine a test and reliably know which object, state, and item it relates to.
Date Added: 2010-08-07 00:35:51 Added new types tot eh oval-common-schema.xsd to represent a mapping structure that will relate a test, object, state, and item to each other. See the oval:element_mapping. The resulting structure looks like:
<oval:item target_namespace="http://oval.mitre.org/XMLSchema/oval-system-characteristics-5#independent">family_item</oval:item>
This change will be included in draft 6 of version 5.8.
specify encoding on all schema files |
Closed |
2010-06-02 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-06-08 12:02:34
all schema files currently assume the default character encoding. This should be explicitly set to UTF-8
remove mixed='true' from declaration of entity types |
Closed |
2010-06-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-07-03 00:46:47
In version 5.7 we incorrectly added the mixed='true' attribute to the EntityBaseType, EntityStateBaseType, or EntityStateRecordType. We really don’t need to allow for mixed content on the EntityBaseType, EntityStateBaseType, or EntityStateRecordType.
the change in version 5.7 to setting mixed='true' was made to support the record datatype that was introduced in version 5.7, but the record datatype does not make use of mixed content.
Date Added: 2010-07-01 15:22:23 This update will be included in version 5.8 draft 3.
add support for ipv4 to ipv6 address comparisons |
Closed |
2010-06-10 |
Fixed |
Medium High
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:35:56
The original request for this issue was in the context of the inet listening servers test and what types of addresses it supports. In response to a clarification the following questions were asked:
"If you have an ipv6 mapped ipv4 address and you send a query with an ipv4 address, what is the expected result? And in the case of a query containing an ip6 mapped ipv4 address?"
As of version 5.7 the expected results would be that the IP addresses would not match as they are different string values (e.g. d.d.d.d (IPv4 representation) vs. ::FFFF:d.d.d.d (IPv6 mapped IPv4 representation)).
However, since there is a way to convert between a IPv4 address and a IPv6 mapped IPv4 address (the IPv6 mapped IPv4 address is just ::FFFF:d.d.d.d where d.d.d.d is the IPv4 address) it seems that we may want to consider adding datatypes to represent both IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses? The addition of
these datatypes would ensure that well-formed IP addresses are being parsed as
well as provide information as to how the IP addresses should be converted to see if they are equivalent. Would the addition of datatypes to represent IP addresses be beneficial to the language? Are there other possible solutions to consider?
In order to handle the mapping between ipv4 and ipv6 addresses should we consider adding datatypes to the 5.8 release of oval? Adding datatypes will allow us to define how to compare these addresses to ensure that they are properly and consistently compared. Without a set datatype here we can do string equality operations, but cannot equate the two different types of addresses to each other.
This topic was discussed on the mailing list here:
Date Added: 2010-08-19 03:37:58 These changes will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
deprecate the apache-def:httpd_test |
Closed |
2010-06-23 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-03 00:42:07
There is a great deal of ambiguity in the definition of the httpd_test. There is not clear and reliable method for determining if apache httpd is installed or locating all installed versions of apache httpd. As the test is defied the tool implementer is left to define how to find apache httpd on a system. Without a specific search space there is no way for different products to reliably collect the same set of information on a system and then generate the same assessment results.
Content authors that need to examine the version of apache should use one of the following approaches:
- look for the hashes of files when there is an organizationally accepted version of http
- use the native operating systems package management api (like RPM).
Date Added: 2010-06-23 15:28:36 included in draft 3 of version 5.8
add esx-def:visdkmanagedobject_test |
Closed |
2010-06-25 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-22 17:44:09
The visdkmanagedobject_test will be used to check information about Managed Objects in the VMware Infrastructure.
Date Added: 2010-06-25 11:39:22 For more information see:
Date Added: 2010-07-01 15:22:10 This update will be included in version 5.8 draft 3.
document the values in the oval:FamilyEnumeration |
Closed |
2010-06-25 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-03 00:48:10
The individual values in the oval:FamilyEnumeration are not currently documented.
Date Added: 2010-06-25 12:52:07 this update will be included in version 5.8 draft 3
remove circular schema references between the oval-def and the ind-def schemas |
Closed |
2010-06-25 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-07-03 00:47:25
In version 5.6 the variable_objectKeyRef and variable_stateKeyRef keyrefs were added to the oval-definitions-schema.xsd. These keyrefs use the independent schema and the independent schema uses the oval-definitions-schema.
Here are the keyrefs as they are defined in the version 5.7 oval-definitions-schema:
<xsd:keyref name="variable_objectKeyRef" refer="oval-def:variableKey">
<xsd:documentation>Require each variable reference in a variable_object to refer to a valid variable id.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:selector xpath=".//ind-def:variable_object"/>
<xsd:field xpath="ind-def:var_ref"/>
<xsd:keyref name="variable_stateKeyRef" refer="oval-def:variableKey">
<xsd:documentation>Require each variable reference in a variable_state to refer to a valid variable id.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:selector xpath=".//ind-def:variable_state"/>
<xsd:field xpath="ind-def:var_ref"/>
The possible solutions are to remove the keyrefs and use Schematron rules in the independent-definitions-schema, or attempt to refactor the keyrefs such that they do not use the independent-definitions-schema namespace.
Date Added: 2010-07-02 12:29:30 Upon further investigation the existing keyrefs cannot be moved to the independent-definitions-schema because then the key they refer to is out of scope. The subset of xpath that is supported for a keyref selector and keyref field does not allow for wild cards. This means that the keyrefs cannot be written to simply not use the ind-def namespace. As a result the only solution seems to be to drop the keyrefs and create two new Schematron rules in the independent-definitions-schema to enforce the reference to a variable that exists in the document.
align entity names in win-def:process58_test and unix-def:process58_test |
Closed |
2010-06-29 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-02 18:31:31
The unix and windows process test is documented differently. The entities are
different too. win-def:process_object has entity "command_line".
unix-def:process_object has entity "command". Windows' command_line docs say:
"The command_line entity is the string used to start the process. This includes
any parameters that are part of the command line."
Unix command docs say:
"The command element specifies the command/program name to check."
The docs for windows are clear that we should get a whole command line. The
unix docs suggest we just get the name of the executable. In fact, "program
name" suggests we just get the filename without any path information.
Also, the docs for the unix command object entity seem to contradict the docs on process_state and object itself, which say:
"The process_state element defines the different metadata associated with a UNIX process. This includes the command line [...]"
unix-def:process_object says:
"A process object defines the command line used to start the process(es)."
I.e. the entity says to get the command name, but the state and object say to
get the command line.
I think it was probably meant that we should whole command lines on unix too,
Can we clean up the documentation for this?
And can we perhaps rename the command entity in process58 to be the same as for windows (command_line instead of command)?
Date Added: 2010-07-02 18:31:31 Deprecated the win-def:process_test, win-def:process_object, win-def:process_state, unix-def:process_test, unix-def:process_object, unix-def:process_state, and unix-sc:process_item.
Changed the command entity to command line and updated the documentation to state the value is:
"This is the string used to start the process. This includes any parameters that are part of the command line.".
Also, a process58_item was created that uses the command line entity.
These changes will be available in Draft 3 of Version 5.8.
add capability to tailor OVAL Result directives by OVAL Definition class |
Closed |
2010-06-29 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Result Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-07-22 17:36:21
In order allow for more flexibility in the contents of an OVAL Results document directives should be tailorable by definition class. This was a topic for discussion during the oval discussion at 2010 developer days.
Date Added: 2010-07-01 16:52:00 This topic was also discussed on the OVAL Developer List. Archives of this discussion can be found here:
Date Added: 2010-07-02 01:24:54 This update will be included in version 5.8 draft 3.
allow source OVAL Definition documents to be optional in OVAL Results |
Closed |
2010-06-30 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Result Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-07-22 17:36:19
In order to allow for flexibility and greatly reduce the size of OVAL Results we need to consider allowing the source OVAL Definition document to be optional in a valid OVAL Results document. There may be additional options in between simply including the source document or not including the document. For example, is there value to simply supplying the location of the source document and the set of definition ids that were evaluated?
Date Added: 2010-07-02 01:07:31 In version 5.7 the oval_definitions element in the OVAL Results schema is optional. The schema documentation states:
"The oval_definitions section is optional and dependent on the directives that are set. Its purpose is to provide an exact copy of the definitions evaluated for the results file."
However, in reviewing the schema documentation there is no mention in the directives or the supporting Schematron of any such capability.
Date Added: 2010-07-09 17:56:04 This topic was discussed on the oval-developer-list. The archive of that discussion can be found here:
Date Added: 2010-07-09 17:56:32 this change will be included in draft 4 of version 5.8
create an OVAL Directives schema to allow a tool to supply a set of directives |
Closed |
2010-06-30 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-08-12 10:38:12
To fully utilize OVAL Results Directives a schema should be created capture the input set of directives that an OVAL Definition consumer should utilize when producing OVAL Results. Without this format there is not way to to a set of OVAL Definition Evaluators that a given definition should be evaluated and the corresponding results should be produced in a specific way.
Date Added: 2010-08-03 18:55:16 More information on this proposal can be found here:
This new schema will be added to draft 6 of version 5.8
numerous entities are based on a string type and need to allow any simple type |
Closed |
2010-07-02 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-22 17:36:22
After a quick check of the schemas, it looks like there are a few entities that are incorrectly based on the oval-sc:EntityItemStringType and the oval-def:EntityStateStringType. This is preventing the needed state operations from being expressed.
This is known to affect the following entities:
- xmlfilecontent_state/value_of
- variable_state/value
- textfilecontent54_state/text
There are likely other instances of this issues in other component schemas. A complete search of the other component schemas is needed.
Date Added: 2010-07-02 17:58:16 This issue has been corrected for the following entities:
- xmlfilecontent_state/value_of
- variable_state/value
- textfilecontent54_state/text
These fixes will be included in draft 3 of version 5.8.
Date Added: 2010-07-09 19:34:28 This issue has been corrected for the following entities:
- netop_state/value
- getconf_state/output
- sysctl_state/value
These fixes will be included in draft 4 of version 5.8
consolidate file behaviors |
Closed |
2010-07-06 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-02 19:07:18
As of draft 3 of version 5.8 the behaviors used for controlling file searching and collection are defined 17 times. These behaviors need to be consolidated so that they are defined once or maybe once per component schema since we don't typically allow for dependencies between component schemas.
Are there other behaviors that should be consolidated? Maybe the windows registry related behaviors?
Date Added: 2010-07-20 16:19:06 Consolidated the file related behaviors so that the behaviors are only defined once per component schema. Also consolidated the registry related behaviors in the windows-definitions-schema so that the behaviors are only defined once.
This change will be included in version 5.8 draft 5.
max_depth behaviors defined in the independent-definitions-schema have the wrong default value |
Closed |
2010-07-20 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-03 11:42:43
The default value for the max_depth behavior defined in the independent-definitions-schema has the wrong default value. This behavior is documented as having a default value of -1 indicating that there is no limitation on recursion. However, the schema sets the default value to 1 meaning that only the current directory will be searched.
This error occurs on all four definitions of the max_depth behavior in the independent-definitions-schema. The following schema types need to be corrected:
- FileHashBehaviors
- Textfilecontent54Behaviors
- TextfilecontentBehaviors
- XmlfilecontentBehaviors
Date Added: 2010-07-20 16:19:15 This change will be included in version 5.8 draft 5.
Missing Privilege under win-def:accestoken_state and win-sc:accestoken_item |
Closed |
2010-07-23 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-08-03 16:00:06
The SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege is not currently included in the win-def:accesstoken_state and win-def:accesstoken_item.
Date Added: 2010-07-23 14:43:53 This change will be included in draft 5 of version 5.8
clarify how the starting directory is considered when doing a recursive file search |
Closed |
2010-08-06 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-12 10:38:09
The documentation do not currently indicate how the initial directory is to be handled when recursively searching the file system. The documentation should explicitly indicate that the initial directory must also be examined.
Date Added: 2010-08-06 00:18:44 The following text will be added to the documentation of the max_depth behavior.
"For a 'max_depth' of -1 or any value of 1 or more the starting directory must be considered in the recursive search."
This change will be included in draft 6 of version 5.8.
Date Added: 2010-08-06 00:20:32 A similar clarification was also added to the max_depth behavior defined for windows registry searches.
add support for a hpux-def:ndd_test and sol-def:ndd_test |
Closed |
2010-08-16 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:35:52
- device: string - the name of the device to examine. For example, /dev/tcp
- parameter: string - the name of the parameter for example, ip_forwarding
- device: string
- parameter: string
- value: string - the value to compare to
This is of course based on the solaris man page for /usr/sbin/ndd:
Finally, given that this test will apply to both HP-UX and Solaris and not generically to unix I will be creating parallel tests in the
hpux-definitions-schema and the solaris-definitions-schema.
Date Added: 2010-08-18 19:52:56 This test is also closely related to the aix-def:no_test.
Date Added: 2010-08-18 19:53:51 This test will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
Date Added: 2010-09-09 19:43:50 An instance entity should be added to the sol-def:ndd_state and sol-sc:ndd_item. This entity will be used to distinguish different devices on the system that may have multiple instances each with their own set of parameter/value pairs.
add several entities to the unix-def:process58_test |
Closed |
2010-08-18 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:35:58
The following entities were requested for the process_test:
- posix capabilities
An enumeration of the POSIX capabilities associated with the process.
Is linux/include/linux/capability.h the best source of values for this enumeration?
There are three sets of capabilities on a process: the effective, inheritable, and permitted capabilities. Should this be the effective capabilities?
This new entity seems to be linux specific.
- selinux domain labels
- exec shield
Is this simply a boolean that when true would indicate that ExecShield is enabled for the process?
Where can this information be found for a process?
This new entity seems to be Linux specific.
- session identifier
The session ID of the process.
- loginuid
The loginuid shows which account a user gained access to the system with. The /proc/XXXX/loginuid shows this value.
- cgroup attribute
We need a good reference for this new entity.
See the following thread in the oval-developer-list archives for more information:
Date Added: 2010-08-19 01:54:52 This test will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
correct inconsistencies across items, object, and state entity names and types |
Closed |
2010-09-10 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:52:54
The following items have been corrected as a result of comparing item, state, and object entity names, types, and multiplicity:
- corrected typo in catos-def:version55_state/switch_series entity name
- corrected type of esx-def:patch_state/patch_number and esx-:patch_item/patch_number entities
- corrected type of win-def:sharedresource_item/shared_type entity
- corrected type of unix-sc:sccs_item/module_name and module_type entities
- corrected type of unix-def:routingtable_state/flags entity
- corrected type and multiplicity of sol-def:packagecheck_object/filepath entity
- corrected type of pixos-sc:version_item/pix_major_release entity
- corrected type of macos-def:diskutil_object/filepath entity
- corrected type of ind-def:sql_state/engine entity
- corrected type of ind-def:sql57_state/engine entity
- added missing hpux-sc:patch_item/patch_name entity
- corrected name of hpux-sc:patch_item/patch_base entity
- corrected multiplicity of hpux-def:trusted_state/username entity to have minOccurs="0"
- corrected multiplicity of ios-def:global_state/global_command entity to have minOccurs="0"
- corrected multiplicity of macos-def:diskutil_object/filepath entity to have minOccurs="1"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-def:spwebapplication_state/deletelistitems entity to have maxOccurs="1"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-def:spwebapplication_state/deleteversions entity to have maxOccurs="1"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-def:spwebapplication_state/editlistitems entity to have maxOccurs="1"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-def:spwebapplication_state/open entity to have maxOccurs="1"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-def:spwebapplication_state/useremoteapis entity to have maxOccurs="1"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-sc:spantivirussettings_item/spwebservicename entity to have minOccurs="0"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-sc:spantivirussettings_item/spfarmname entity to have minOccurs="0"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-sc:spcrawlrule_item/spsiteurl entity to have minOccurs="0"
- corrected multiplicity of
sp-sc:spjobdefinition_item/webappuri entity to have minOccurs="0"
These corrections will be available in Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
change the maxOccurs attribute value in win-sc:sharedresource_item/win-sc:current_uses |
Closed |
2009-05-13 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-05 13:47:28
Change the maxOccurs attribute value in win-sc:sharedresource_item/win-sc:current_uses from "unbounded" to "1" as the current_uses entity is simply a single integer value. For more information, please consult Microsoft's documentation at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb525408(VS.85).aspx. Currently, this is being classified as a tracker item for the Version 6 release as it could potentially invalidate existing OVAL content.
Date Added: 2010-08-05 13:47:27 This change will be included in draft 6 of version 5.8.
change the maxOccurs attribute value in win-sc:sharedresource_item/win-sc:max_uses |
Closed |
2009-05-13 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-05 13:47:10
Change the maxOccurs attribute value in win-sc:sharedresource_item/win-sc:max_uses from "unbounded" to "1" as the max_uses entity is simply a single integer value. For more information, please consult Microsoft's documentation at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb525408(VS.85).aspx. Currently, this is being classified as a tracker item for the Version 6 release as it could potentially invalidate existing OVAL content.
Date Added: 2010-08-05 13:47:09 This change will be included in draft 6 of version 5.8.
change the win-sc:sharedresource_item/win-sc:shared_type entity type to align with the windows-definitions-schema |
Closed |
2009-05-13 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:35:54
Change the win-sc:sharedresource_item/win-sc:shared_type entity type to use an enumeration similar to the EntityStateSharedResourceTypeType enumeration found in the windows-definition-schema.
Date Added: 2010-09-09 12:16:20 This issue has been corrected for RC2 of Version 5.8
add support for a windows service test |
Closed |
2010-03-09 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-22 17:44:59
Add support for a windows service test.
Date Added: 2010-03-10 18:02:39 assume the test will be modeled after this api:
Date Added: 2010-07-09 18:55:54 Proposal of schema changes from the oval-developer-list:
service_name (string)
service_name (string)
display_name (string)
description (string)
service_type (win-def:EntityStateServiceTypeType)
start_type (win-def:EntityStateServiceStartTypeType)
current_state (win-def:EntityStateServiceCurrentStateType)
controls_accepted (win-def:EntityStateServiceControlsAcceptedType)
start_name (string)
path (string)
pid (int)
service_flag (boolean)
dependencies (string)
service_name (string)
display_name (string)
description (string)
service_type (win-sc:EntityItemServiceTypeType - unbounded)
start_type (win-sc:EntityItemServiceStartTypeType)
current_state (win-sc:EntityItemServiceCurrentStateType)
controls_accepted (win-sc:EntityItemServiceControlsAcceptedType - unbounded)
start_name (string)
path (string)
pid (int)
service_flag (boolean)
dependencies (string - unbounded)
A brief description of each entity is provided below.
service_name - the service name as stored in the SCM database
display_name - the service name as used in tools such as Services
description - a description of the service
service_type - the type of the service
start_type - the startup options of the service
current_state - the current state of the service
controls_accepted - specifies the control codes that the service accepts
start_name - indicates the account under which the service should run
path - the path to the binary of the service
pid - the process ID of the service
service_flag - indicates if the service is in a system process that must always run or if the service is in a non-system
process or is not running
dependencies - the dependencies of this service on other services
In addition, we will also want to add the following enumerations.
win-def:EntityStateServiceTypeType / win-sc:EntityItemServiceTypeType
win-def:EntityStateServiceStartTypeType / win-sc:EntityItemServiceStartTypeType
win-def:EntityStateServiceCurrentStateType / win-sc:EntityItemServiceCurrentStateType
SERVICE_PAUSED (0x00000007)
SERVICE_RUNNING (0x00000004)
SERVICE_STOPPED (0x00000001)
win-def:EntityStateServiceControlsAcceptedType / win-sc:EntityItemServiceControlsAcceptedType
These changes will be available in Draft 4 of Version 5.8.
add ruid entity to the unix-def:process_state and the unix-sc:process_item |
Closed |
2010-03-11 |
Fixed |
Medium High
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-05-24 20:16:45
UNIX processes have both real and effective user IDs. See section 'C.1.3.2 Process real and effective UID' of http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/networking/puis/appc_01.htm.
Since a process has both a real and effective uid, it seems that we may want to be able to collect both. Also, the process test is supposed to be equivalent to parsing the output of the 'ps' command. With the 'ps' command it is possible to collect both the real and effective uids (e.g. 'ps -a -o "args pid ppid pri start tty ruid uid"'). Please see the 'ps' man page at http://linux.die.net/man/1/ps for more information. We should update the the uid documentation to state it is the effective uid and then add an ruid entity for the real uid.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:56:42 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
Fix errors in the independent-system-characteristics schema where ind-def is used instead of ind-sc |
Closed |
2010-05-10 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-05-12 13:12:39
In the independent-system-characteristics schema file there are a few instances where we have made copy and paste errors (ind-def instead of ind-sc). The specific errors can be seen below.
Severity: info
Description: <sch:pattern id="ind-def_envitemvalue">
Start location: 148:63
Severity: info
Description: <sch:rule context="ind-def:environmentvariable_item/ind-def:value">
Start location: 149:70
Severity: info
Description: <sch:rule context="ind-def:environmentvariable_item/ind-def:value">
Start location: 149:103
Severity: info
Description: <sch:rule context="ind-def:ldap_item">
Start location: 174:45
Severity: info
Description: <sch:pattern id="ind-def_ldapitemvalue">
Start location: 249:63
Severity: info
Description: <sch:rule context="ind-def:sql_item">
Start location: 364:45
Severity: info
Description: <sch:pattern id="ind-def_sqlitemresult">
Start location: 426:63
Severity: info
Description: <sch:pattern id="ind-def_txtitemsubexpression">
Start location: 620:63
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:55:58 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
add support for a linux-def:sestatus_test |
Closed |
2010-05-17 |
Rejected |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-06-16 18:38:57
Request from Steve Grubb:
2) selinux: status, mode, policy_ver, policy_name. Similar to running
sestatus. The RHEL FDCC content being worked on will require SE Linux to
be enabled and enforcing. This would allow testing for SE Linux status.
Initial proposal of schema changes to the oval-developer-list:
sestatus_object (no entities because there is only one sestatus_object)
-status (boolean)
-mode (string)
-policy_version (integer)
-policy_name (string)
-status (boolean)
-mode (string)
-policy_version (integer)
-policy_name (string)
In addition, we could add enumerations for the mode value (enforcing, permissive, and disabled) and for the policy_name value (targeted and strict).
Additional information regarding this proposal can be found on the oval-developer-list archives at the following link.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:50:48 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
Date Added: 2010-06-01 18:38:53 Based on oval-developer-list discussions, this test is being considered for removal from the next draft of Version 5.8 as it may not be needed.
Date Added: 2010-06-16 18:38:56 It was determined that we can collect the information defined in this test using the unix-def:file_test and the ind-def:textfilecontent54_test. As a result, this test is not needed and will be removed from Draft 3 of Version 5.8.
add support for a linux-def:selinux_boolean_test |
Closed |
2010-05-17 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-06-23 17:44:56
Request from Steve Grubb:
3) selinux-booleans: name, status. Similar to running "getsebool -a". SE
Linux booleans are used for swinging in and out policy options based on
local customizations. For example, you may have a web server that does
nothing but static content, so you would tell SE linux to not allow
cgi-bin apps. But if one day the boolean was found to be on...you would
want to know that since its change the risk profile of the system.
Initial proposal to the oval-developer-list:
-name (string)
-name (string)
-current_status (boolean)
-pending_status (boolean)
-name (string)
-current_status (booean)
-pending_status (boolean)
Additional information regarding this proposal can be found on the
oval-developer-list archives at the following link.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:50:41 included in draft 2 of version 5.8. Based on developer list discussions, this item may be dropped from the next draft as it may not be needed.
Date Added: 2010-06-01 18:34:55 This test is not currently being considered for removal from the next draft. The comment above, regarding the removal of this test, was meant for the linux-def:sestatus_test.
add support for a unix-def:sysctl_test |
Closed |
2010-05-17 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-06-23 17:44:55
Request from Steve Grubb:
4) sysctl: name, value. Similar to running "sysctl -A". There are some specific
settings that might be called out in the FDCC content for RHEL. For example,
The fs.suid_dumpable setting will need to be tested.
Initial proposal of schema changes to the oval-developer-list:
-name (string)
-name (string)
-value (string)
-name (string)
-value (string)
Additional information regarding this proposal can be found on the
oval-developer-list archives at the following link.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:49:55 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
add support for a unix-def:partition_test |
Closed |
2010-05-21 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:35:59
Request from Steve Grubb:
5) partition: fs_type, name, mount options, total space, space_used, space
left. This information can be derived by the statfs() syscall. The proposed
FDCC content spells out some mount options that should be used. Its also not
always possible to get this from /etc/fstab since udev policy controls hotplug
Initial proposal of schema changes to the oval-developer-list:
-name (string)
-name (string)
-fs_type (string)
-mount_options (string)
-total_space (integer)
-space_used (integer)
-space_left (integer)
-name (string)
-fs_type (string)
-mount_options (string) (0-unbounded)
-total_space (integer)
-space_used (integer)
-space_left (integer)
Additional information regarding this proposal can be found on the
oval-developer-list archives at the following link.
Date Added: 2010-05-26 17:49:35 included in draft 2 of version 5.8
Date Added: 2010-08-17 18:24:36 We need to add a device and uuid entity to the partition_item and partition_state. For additional information, please see the following link.
Date Added: 2010-08-18 22:56:57 These changes will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
correct documentation specifying the use of all capital letters for well known trustees |
Closed |
2010-06-01 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-02 16:56:37
In the Windows schemas, there are multiple instances where the documentation specifies that all capital letters should be used because it is how the Windows APIs return them. As an example, in the trustee_name entity in the win-def:fileauditedpermissions_object, it states:
"Note that the built-in trustee names should be all caps as that is how the Windows APIs return them."
We should review how the Windows APIs return these values and determine if they are in fact returning them using all capital letters. If not, this documentation should be removed.
Date Added: 2010-06-07 12:41:56 After looking into this issue, we have determined that the documentation recommending the use of all capital letters is no longer valid. This documentation should be removed in favor of stating when an entity is natively case-insensitive and recommending that the case-insensitive operations be used.
add support for an unbounded filter element in all objects |
Closed |
2010-07-06 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-07-22 17:36:20
An unbounded filter element should be added to all objects in the OVAL Language
such that the set of items collected by an object can be fine-tuned. This will allow content authors to collect only the items that they are interested and will result in smaller OVAL System Characteristics and Results files. This will also reduce the resources needed by tools to process the set of collected items. An example of an object that only collects world-writable files, using a filter element, can be seen below.
<file_object id="oval:sample:obj:1">
<path operation="pattern match">.*</path>
<filename operation="pattern match">.*</filename>
<filter action="include">oval:sample:ste:1</filter>
<file_state id="oval:sample:ste:1">
<owrite datatype="boolean">1</owrite>
For more information on this topic, please see the following links.
2010 OVAL Developer Days Minutes - Optimizing Item Searches
Original Discussion from oval-developer-list
Date Added: 2010-07-09 20:12:53 This change will be available in Draft 4 of Version 5.8.
add support for a macos-def:plist_test |
Closed |
2010-07-06 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 21:10:54
Plists can be stored in XML, binary, and text formats. While existing tests (ind-def:xmlfilecontent_test and ind-def:textfilecontent54_test) can be used to extract information from the XML and text plists, they cannot be used to extract the information from the binary plists. As a result, a new macos:plist_test is needed to retrieve plist settings regardless of the format in which they are stored.
Date Added: 2010-08-07 00:36:40 This test will be added to draft 6 of version 5.8.
Date Added: 2010-09-10 21:10:54 A few issues as described in the following oval-developer-list post were discovered with the plist_test.
As a result, the following changes were made changes to the plist_test to fix some outstanding issues.
1) Added documentation stating the string datatype should be used for CFData values as it is base64-encoded and not hex-encoded like the OVAL binary datatype.
2) Added documentation stating that CFDictionary values (i.e. records) could not be collected and only the collection of simple data would be allowed.
3) Added the ability to collect a plist's value when there are no keys associated with it by using the xsi:nil attribute.
4) Added an instance entity to provide uniqueness among plist_items that have the same preference key.
These changes will be available in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
add support for a unix-def:gconf_test |
Closed |
2010-07-06 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-08-16 17:21:58
Request from Vladimir Giszpenc:
>Getting runtime values of GConf settings is another possible test we
>should consider. Using an API would allow us not to care what file the
>setting actually lives in.
Additional information regarding this proposal can be found on the
oval-developer-list archives at the following link.
Date Added: 2010-08-06 02:50:43 The unix-def:gconf_test will be available in Draft 6 of Version 5.8.
change instances of 'sid' to 'SID'. |
Closed |
2010-07-07 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-07 13:22:12
In the documentation, there are instances where we refer to the security identifier (SID) as 'sid'. All instances of 'sid' should be changed to 'SID' to align with how Microsoft abbreviates the term security identifier.
Date Added: 2010-07-10 01:47:23 this change will be included in draft 4 of version 5.8
clarify references to ACL |
Closed |
2010-07-07 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-07-08 03:32:06
In the Windows component schema, specifically the audited permissions and effective rights tests, we use the term ACL. However, the term ACL can be ambiguous as there are two types of ACLs; a discretionary access control list (DACL) and a system access control list (SACL). Therefore, where possible, the documentation should be more specific.
Date Added: 2010-07-10 01:47:32 this change will be included in draft 4 of version 5.8
bug in the sp-def:sppolicy_object |
Closed |
2010-07-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-03 15:57:07
The way that the schema is written for the sp-def:sppolicy_object allows for the choice of a set or a webappuri and a urlzone. As a result, you can write the following content:
This is incorrect. The documentation specifies that an sp-def:sppolicy_object consists of a set or a webappuri and a urlzone. The schema should be changed to reflect this.
Date Added: 2010-07-10 01:45:40 this change will be included in draft 4 of version 5.8
add a drive_type entity to the win-def:volume_state and the win-sc:volume_item |
Closed |
2010-07-12 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-08-03 15:59:54
A request has been made to add a drive_type entity to the win-def:volume_state and the win-def:volume_item. The addition of this entity would require the following enumerations to be added.
win-def:volume_state / win-def:entitydrivetype
win-sc:volume_item / win-sc:entitydrivetype
Additional information regarding this proposal can be found on the
oval-developer-list archives at the following link.
Date Added: 2010-07-13 00:32:40 This change will be available in Draft 5 of Version 5.8.
change the maxOccurs attribute value in ind-def:ldap_state/ind-def:value entity |
Closed |
2010-08-06 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-08-12 10:38:06
Change the maxOccurs attribute value in ind-def:ldap_state/ind-def:value from "unbounded" to "1".
Date Added: 2010-08-07 00:38:40 This change will be included in draft 6 of version 5.8.
add support for a macos-def:diskutil_test |
Closed |
2010-08-12 |
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| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:36:01
Please see the following link for more information.
Date Added: 2010-08-18 22:56:27 This test will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
add support for a linux-def:selinuxsecuritycontext_test |
Closed |
2010-08-12 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:37:02
Please see the following link for additional information.
Date Added: 2010-08-18 17:45:47 At some later time, we should contact the SELinux mailing list for help regarding enhancing the capabilities of this test. We should also consider the following issues:
Another issue is classification of the results. Perhaps the admin running the
scan is not himself cleared to see the results and only the security officer is
allowed. So, that brings up the question of what level the scan runs at as
well as taking the right precautions along the way...
1) pay attention to networking and use the labeled networking APIs if the scan
is done remotely.
2) classify results
3) store results on disk with the correct label
4) perhaps support views of the data in any presentation layer or the ability
to exclude data above the viewer's classification.
Also, a MLS system introduces another idea, polyinstantiation.
1) directories: This means that ls /tmp, for example, will certainly have
different contents based on the sensitivity level of the scanner.
2) networking: inetlistening daemon tests might have different results
depending on the sensitivity level of the scanner.
Some of these ideas may take more discussion than 5.8 has time for. But I
believe this is a quick overview of the major issues. Getting a SE Linux test
and collection of labels on the major system objects is a very good first step.
Deciding the access control, classification of results, and other things
outlined above could be saved for a later day. I can try to get some MLS
people involved in this discussion if you like.
Date Added: 2010-08-18 22:56:06 This test will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
add support for a sol-def:packagecheck_test |
Closed |
2010-08-12 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:36:02
Please see the following link for additional information.
Date Added: 2010-08-18 22:56:17 This test will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
add support for a unix-def:routingtable_test |
Closed |
2010-08-18 |
Fixed |
| Category:
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:35:53
Please see the following link for additional information.
Date Added: 2010-08-19 03:38:19 This test will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.
Date Added: 2010-09-09 14:31:56 Remove the unix-def:routingtable_state/unix-def:netmask and unix-sc:routingtable_item/unix-sc:netmask entities in favor of specifying the destination address and netmask/prefix-length as an address prefix in the destination entity.
Please see the following link for additional information.
Date Added: 2010-09-09 17:08:55 These changes will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
the win-sc:regkeyauditedpermissions_item does not allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute on the key entity |
Closed |
2010-09-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-09-08 16:18:03
The win-sc:regkeyauditedpermissions_item does not currently allow for the xsi:nil attribute on the win-sc:regkeyauditedpermissions_item/win-sc:key entity even though the xsi:nil attribute can be specified on the win-def:regkeyauditedpermissions53_object/win-def:key entity. The win-sc:regkeyauditedpermissions_item/win-sc:key entity should be fixed to allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute.
Date Added: 2010-09-08 18:43:26 This change will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
make the pid entity in the linux-def:selinuxsecuritycontext_object nillable |
Closed |
2010-09-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-09-08 19:00:57
It may be necessary to collect the security context of the current process. As a result, the pid entity in the linux-def:selinuxsecuritycontext_object should be nillable. The pid entity in the linux-sc:selinuxsecuritycontext_item will not be nillable as it will take on the value of the current process.
Date Added: 2010-09-08 19:00:57 This change will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
the macos-sc:pwpolicy_item does not allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute on the username, userpass, and directory_node entities |
Closed |
2010-09-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-09-08 19:01:36
The macos-sc:pwpolicy_item does not currently allow for the
xsi:nil attribute on the macos-sc:pwpolicy_item/macos-sc:username, macos-sc:pwpolicy_item/macos-sc:userpass, and macos-sc:pwpolicy_item/macos-sc:directory_node entities even though the xsi:nil attribute can be specified on the macos-def:pwpolicy_object/macos-def:username, macos-def:pwpolicy_object/macos-def:userpass, and macos-def:pwpolicy_object/macos-def:directory_node entities. The username, userpass, and directory_node entities in the macos-sc:pwpolicy_item should be fixed to allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute.
Date Added: 2010-09-08 19:01:35 These changes will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
the unix-sc:gconf_item does not allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute on the source entity |
Closed |
2010-09-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-09-08 19:00:33
The unix-sc:gconf_item does not currently allow for the xsi:nil attribute on the unix-sc:gconf_item/unix-sc:source entity even though the xsi:nil attribute can be specified on the unix-def:gconf_object/unix-def:source entity. The source entity in the unix-sc:gconf_item should be fixed to allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute.
Date Added: 2010-09-08 19:00:33 This change will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
the linux-sc:selinuxsecuritycontext_item does not allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute on the filename entity |
Closed |
2010-09-08 |
Fixed |
| Category:
System Characteristics Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-09-08 19:01:18
The linux-sc:selinuxsecuritycontext_item does not currently allow for the xsi:nil attribute on the linux-sc:selinuxsecuritycontext_item/linux-sc:filename entity even though the xsi:nil attribute can be specified on the linux-def:selinuxsecuritycontext_object/linux-def:filename entity. The source entity in the linux-sc:selinuxsecuritycontext_item should be fixed to allow for the use of the xsi:nil attribute.
Date Added: 2010-09-08 19:01:17 This change will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 2.
make sure that platform and product names are unique in a definition's metadata |
Closed |
2010-08-17 |
Fixed |
| Category:
Definition Schemas
| Date Closed:
2010-09-10 13:35:57
In an OVAL definition file, add a validation check (either in schematron or in the schema) to make sure that platform names are unique.
<affected family="windows">
<platform>Microsoft Windows 7</platform>
<platform>Microsoft Windows XP</platform>
<platform>Microsoft Windows Server 2003</platform>
<platform>Microsoft Windows Vista</platform>
<platform>Microsoft Windows Server 2008</platform>
<platform>Microsoft Windows 7</platform> <-- WRONG, REPEATED PLATFORM
Date Added: 2010-08-17 16:12:32 oval-def:UniqueAffectedFamily also appears to not be working.
Date Added: 2010-08-19 02:09:24 Verified that oval-def:UniqueAffectedFamily is working and added unique constraints to ensure platform and product values are unique.
This change will be included in the Version 5.8 Release Candidate 1.