- Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language -
Element Dictionary

The following is a description of the elements, types, and attributes that compose the Windows specific system characteristic items found in Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL). Each item is an extension of the standard item element defined in the Core System Characteristic Schema. Through extension, each item inherits a set of elements and attributes that are shared amongst all OVAL Items. Each item is described in detail and should provide the information necessary to understand what each element and attribute represents. This document is intended for developers and assumes some familiarity with XML. A high level description of the interaction between the different tests and their relationship to the Core System Characteristic Schema is not outlined here.

The OVAL Schema is maintained by The MITRE Corporation and developed by the public OVAL Community. For more information, including how to get involved in the project and how to submit change requests, please visit the OVAL website at http://oval.mitre.org.

< accesstoken_item >

The access token item holds information about the individual privileges and rights associated with a specific access token. Each privilege and right in the data section accepts a boolean value signifying whether the privilege is granted or not. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
security_principle oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
seassignprimarytokenprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seauditprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sebackupprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sechangenotifyprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
secreateglobalprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
secreatepagefileprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
secreatepermanentprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
secreatesymboliclinkprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
secreatetokenprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sedebugprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seenabledelegationprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seimpersonateprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seincreasebasepriorityprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seincreasequotaprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seincreaseworkingsetprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seloaddriverprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
selockmemoryprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
semachineaccountprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
semanagevolumeprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seprofilesingleprocessprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
serelabelprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seremoteshutdownprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
serestoreprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sesecurityprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seshutdownprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sesyncagentprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sesystemenvironmentprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sesystemprofileprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sesystemtimeprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
setakeownershipprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
setcbprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
setimezoneprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seundockprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seunsolicitedinputprivilege oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sebatchlogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seinteractivelogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
senetworklogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seremoteinteractivelogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
seservicelogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sedenybatchLogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sedenyinteractivelogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sedenynetworklogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sedenyremoteInteractivelogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sedenyservicelogonright oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< activedirectory_item >

The active directory item holds information about specific entries in the Windows Active Directory. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
naming_context win-sc:EntityItemNamingContextType 0 1
relative_dn oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
attribute oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
object_class oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
adstype win-sc:EntityItemAdstypeType 0 1
value oval-sc:EntityItemAnyType 0 unbounded

< auditeventpolicy_item >

The auditeventpolicy item enumerates the different types of events the system should audit. The defined values are found in window's POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE enumeration and accessed through the LsaQueryInformationPolicy when the InformationClass parameters are set to PolicyAuditEventsInformation. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
account_logon win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
account_management win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
detailed_tracking win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
directory_service_access win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
logon win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
object_access win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
policy_change win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
privilege_use win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
system win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1

< auditeventpolicysubcategories_item >

The auditeventpolicysubcategories item enumerates the different types of subcategories the system should audit. These subcategories are new in Windows Vista. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
credential_validation win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
kerberos_ticket_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
other_account_logon_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
application_group_management win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
computer_account_management win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
distribution_group_management win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
other_account_management_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
security_group_management win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
user_account_management win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
dpapi_activity win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
process_creation win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
process_termination win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
rpc_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
directory_service_access win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
directory_service_changes win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
directory_service_replication win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
detailed_directory_service_replication win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
account_lockout win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
ipsec_extended_mode win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
ipsec_main_mode win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
ipsec_quick_mode win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
logoff win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
logon win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
other_logon_logoff_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
special_logon win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
application_generated win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
certification_services win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_share win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_system win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
filtering_platform_connection win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
filtering_platform_packet_drop win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
handle_manipulation win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
kernel_object win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
other_object_access_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
registry win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
sam win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
audit_policy_change win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
authentication_policy_change win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
authorization_policy_change win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
filtering_platform_policy_change win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
mpssvc_rule_level_policy_change win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
other_policy_change_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
non_sensitive_privilege_use win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
other_privilege_use_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
sensitive_privilege_use win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
ipsec_driver win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
other_system_events win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
security_state_change win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
security_system_extension win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
system_integrity win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1

< file_item >

This element describes file metadata. The time information can be retrieved by the _stst function. Development_class and other version information (company, internal name, language, original_filename, product_name, product_version) can be retrieved using the VerQueryValue function.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
filepath oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
owner oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
size oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
a_time oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
c_time oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
m_time oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
ms_checksum oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
version oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
type win-sc:EntityItemFileTypeType 0 1
development_class oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
company oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
internal_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
language oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
original_filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
product_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
product_version oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< fileauditedpermissions_item >

This item stores the audited access rights of a file that a system access control list (SACL) structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's audited access rights are determined checking all access control entries (ACEs) in the SACL. For help with this test see the GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl() api.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
filepath oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
standard_delete win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_read_control win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_write_dac win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_write_owner win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_synchronize win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
access_system_security win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_read win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_write win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_execute win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_all win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_read_data win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_write_data win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_append_data win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_read_ea win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_write_ea win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_execute win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_delete_child win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_read_attributes win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
file_write_attributes win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1

< fileeffectiverights_item >

This item stores the effective rights of a file that a discretionary access control list (DACL) structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's effective rights are determined checking all access-allowed and access-denied access control entries (ACEs) in the DACL. For help with this test see the GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl() api.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
filepath oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
standard_delete oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_read_control oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_dac oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_owner oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_synchronize oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_system_security oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_read oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_write oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_execute oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_all oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_read_data oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_write_data oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_append_data oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_read_ea oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_write_ea oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_execute oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_delete_child oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_read_attributes oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_write_attributes oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< group_item >

The windows group item allows the different users that belong to specific groups (identified by name) be collected. Note that the user element can appear an unlimited number of times. If no user is found in the specified group, then a single user element should exist with a status of 'does not exist'. If there is an error determining the users of a group, then a single user element should exist with a status of 'error'.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
group oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
user oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 unbounded

< group_sid_item >

The windows group_sid_item allows the different users that belong to specific groups (identified by SID) be collected. Note that the user element can appear an unlimited number of times. If no user is found in the specified group, then a single user element should exist with a status of 'does not exist'. If there is an error determining the users of a group, then a single user element should exist with a status of 'error'.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
group_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
user_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 unbounded

< interface_item >

Enumerate various attributes about the interfaces on a system.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
index oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
type win-sc:EntityItemInterfaceTypeType 0 1
hardware_addr oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
inet_addr oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
broadcast_addr oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
netmask oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
addr_type win-sc:EntityItemAddrTypeType 0 unbounded

< lockoutpolicy_item >

The lockoutpolicy item enumerates various attributes associated with lockout information for users and global groups in the security database.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
force_logoff oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
lockout_duration oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
lockout_observation_window oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
lockout_threshold oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1

< metabase_item >

This item gathers information from the specified metabase keys.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
key oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
id oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
user_type oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
data_type oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
data oval-sc:EntityItemAnyType 0 unbounded

< passwordpolicy_item >

Specific policy items associated with passwords. Information is stored in the SAM or Active Directory but is encrypted or hidden so the registry_item and activedirectory_item are of no use. If this can be figured out, then the password_policy item is not needed.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
max_passwd_age oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
min_passwd_age oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
min_passwd_len oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
password_hist_len oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
password_complexity oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
reversible_encryption oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< port_item >

Information about open listening ports.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
local_address oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
local_port oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
protocol win-sc:EntityItemProtocolType 0 1
pid oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1

< printereffectiverights_item >

This item stores the effective rights of a printer that a discretionary access control list (DACL) structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's effective rights are determined checking all access-allowed and access-denied access control entries (ACEs) in the DACL. For help with this test see the GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl() api.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
printer_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
standard_delete oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_read_control oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_dac oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_owner oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_synchronize oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_system_security oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_read oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_write oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_execute oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_all oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
printer_access_administer oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
printer_access_use oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
job_access_administer oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
job_access_read oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< process_item >

Information about running processes.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
command_line oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
pid oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
ppid oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
priority oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
image_path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
current_dir oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< registry_item >

The windows registry item specifies information that can be collected about a particular registry key.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
hive win-sc:EntityItemRegistryHiveType 0 1
key oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
type win-sc:EntityItemRegistryTypeType 0 1
value oval-sc:EntityItemAnyType 0 unbounded

< regkeyauditedpermissions_item >

This item stores the audited access rights of a registry key that a system access control list (SACL) structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's audited access rights are determined checking all access control entries (ACEs) in the SACL. For help with this test see the GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl() api.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
hive win-sc:EntityItemRegistryHiveType 0 1
key oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
standard_delete win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_read_control win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_write_dac win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_write_owner win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
standard_synchronize win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
access_system_security win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_read win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_write win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_execute win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
generic_all win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_query_value win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_set_value win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_create_sub_key win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_enumerate_sub_keys win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_notify win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_create_link win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_wow64_64key win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_wow64_32key win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1
key_wow64_res win-sc:EntityItemAuditType 0 1

< regkeyeffectiverights_item >

This item stores the effective rights of a registry key that a discretionary access control list (DACL) structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's effective rights are determined checking all access-allowed and access-denied access control entries (ACEs) in the DACL. For help with this test see the GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl() api.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
hive win-sc:EntityItemRegistryHiveType 0 1
key oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
standard_delete oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_read_control oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_dac oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_owner oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_synchronize oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_system_security oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_read oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_write oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_execute oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_all oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_query_value oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_set_value oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_create_sub_key oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_enumerate_sub_keys oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_notify oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_create_link oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_wow64_64key oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_wow64_32key oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
key_wow64_res oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< serviceeffectiverights_item >

This item stores the effective rights of a service that a discretionary access control list (DACL) structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's effective rights are determined by checking all access-allowed and access-denied access control entries (ACEs) in the DACL. For help with this test see the GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl() api.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
service_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
standard_delete oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_read_control oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_dac oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
standard_write_owner oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_read oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_write oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
generic_execute oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_query_conf oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_change_conf oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_query_stat oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_enum_dependents oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_start oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_stop oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_pause oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_interrogate oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
service_user_defined oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< sharedresource_item >

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
netname oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
shared_type oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
max_uses oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 unbounded
current_uses oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 unbounded
local_path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
access_read_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_write_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_create_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_exec_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_delete_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_atrib_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_perm_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
access_all_permission oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< sid_item >

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
trustee_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_domain oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< sid_sid_item >

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
trustee_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
trustee_domain oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< uac_item >

The volume item enumerates various attributes about a particular volume mounted to a machine. This includes the various system flags returned by GetVolumeInformation().

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
admin_approval_mode oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
elevation_prompt_admin oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
elevation_prompt_standard oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
detect_installations oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
elevate_signed_executables oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
elevate_uiaccess oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
run_admins_aam oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
secure_desktop oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
virtualize_write_failures oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< user_item >

The windows user_item allows the different groups (identified by name) that a user belongs to be collected.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
user oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
enabled oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
group oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 unbounded

< user_sid_item >

The windows user_sid_item allows the different groups (identified by SID) that a user belongs to be collected.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
user_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
enabled oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
group_sid oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 unbounded

< volume_item >

The volume item enumerates various attributes about a particular volume mounted to a machine. This includes the various system flags returned by GetVolumeInformation().

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
rootpath oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
file_system oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
volume_max_component_length oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
serial_number oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
file_case_sensitive_search oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_case_preserved_names oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_unicode_on_disk oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_persistent_acls oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_file_compression oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_volume_quotas oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_supports_sparse_files oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_supports_reparse_points oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_supports_remote_storage oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_volume_is_compressed oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_supports_object_ids oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_supports_encryption oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_named_streams oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
file_read_only_volume oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< wmi_item >

The wmi_item outlines information to be checked through Microsoft's WMI interface.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
namespace oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
wql oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
result oval-sc:EntityItemAnyType 0 unbounded

< wuaupdatesearcher_item >

The wuaupdatesearcher_item outlines information defined through the Search method of the IUpdateSearcher interface as part of Microsoft's WUA (Windows Update Agent) API. This information is related to the current patch level in a Windows environment. The test extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
search_criteria oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
update_id oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 unbounded

== EntityItemAddrTypeType ==

The EntityItemAddrTypeType restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe the different address types of interfaces. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


The stated IP address is being deleted. The unsigned short value that this corresponds to is 0x0040


The stated IP address is on a disconnected interface. The unsigned short value that this corresponds to is 0x0008.


The stated IP address is a dynamic IP address. The unsigned short value that this corresponds to is 0x0004.


The stated IP address is a primary IP address. The unsigned short value that this corresponds to is 0x0001.


The stated IP address is a transient IP address. The unsigned short value that this corresponds to is 0x0080


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemAdstypeType ==

The EntityItemAdstypeType restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe the possible types associated with an Active Directory attribute. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


The data type is invalid.


The string is of Distinguished Name (path) of a directory service object.


The string is of the case-sensitive type.


The string is of the case-insensitive type.


The string is displayable on the screen or in print.


The string is of a numeric value to be interpreted as text.


The data is of a Boolean value.


The data is of an integer value.


The string is of a byte array.


The data is of the universal time as expressed in Universal Time Coordinate (UTC).


The data is of a long integer value.


The string is of a provider-specific string.


Not used.


The data is of a list of case insensitive strings.


The data is of a list of octet strings.


The string is of a directory path.


The string is of the postal address type.


The data is of a time stamp in seconds.


The string is of a back link.


The string is of a typed name.


The data is of the Hold data structure.


The string is of a net address.


The data is of a replica pointer.


The string is of a fax number.


The data is of an e-mail message.


The data is of Windows NT/Windows 2000 Security Descriptor as represented by a byte array.


The data is of an undefined type.


The data is of ADS_DN_WITH_BINARY used for mapping a distinguished name to a non varying GUID.


The data is of ADS_DN_WITH_STRING used for mapping a distinguished name to a non-varying string value.


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemAuditType ==

The EntityItemAuditType restricts a string value to a specific set of values: AUDIT_NONE, AUDIT_SUCCESS, AUDIT_FAILURE, and AUDIT_SUCCESS_FAILURE. These values describe which audit records should be generated. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


The audit type AUDIT_FAILURE is used to perform audits on all unsuccessful occurrences of specified events when auditing is enabled.


The audit type AUDIT_NONE is used to cancel all auditing options for the specified events.


The audit type AUDIT_SUCCESS is used to perform audits on all successful occurrences of the specified events when auditing is enabled.


The audit type AUDIT_SUCCESS_FAILURE is used to perform audits on all successful and unsuccessful occurrences of the specified events when auditing is enabled.


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemFileTypeType ==

The EntityItemFileTypeType restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe the different types of files. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


The handle identifies a directory.


The specified file is a character file, typically an LPT device or a console.


The specified file is a disk file.


The specified file is a socket, a named pipe, or an anonymous pipe.




Either the type of the specified file is unknown, or the function failed.


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemInterfaceTypeType ==

The EntityItemInterfaceTypeType restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe the different types of interfaces. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


The MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET type is used to describe ethernet interfaces.


The MIB_IF_TYPE_FDDI type is used to describe fiber distributed data interfaces (FDDI).


The MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK type is used to describe loopback interfaces.


The MIB_IF_TYPE_OTHER type is used to describe unknown interfaces.


The MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP type is used to describe point-to-point protocol interfaces (PPP).


The MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP type is used to describe serial line internet protocol interfaces (SLIP).


The MIB_IF_TYPE_TOKENRING type is used to describe token ring interfaces..


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemNamingContextType ==

The EntityItemNamingContextType restricts a string value to a specific set of values: domain, configuration, and schema. These values describe the different naming context found withing Active Directory. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


The domain naming context contains Active Directory objects present in the specified domain (e.g. users, computers, groups, and other objects).


The configuration naming context contains configuration data that is required for the Active Directory to operate as a directory service.


The schema naming context contains all of the Active Directory object definitions.


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemProtocolType ==

The EntityItemProtocolType restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe the different available protocols. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


The port uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).


The port uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemRegistryHiveType ==

The EntityItemRegistryHiveType restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe the different registry hives. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description


This registry subtree contains information that associates file types with programs and configuration data for automation (e.g. COM objects and Visual Basic Programs).


This registry subtree contains configuration data for the current hardware profile.


This registry subtree contains the user profile of the user that is currently logged into the system.


This registry subtree contains information about the local system.


This registry subtree contains user-specific data.


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.

== EntityItemRegistryTypeType ==

The EntityItemRegistryTypeType defines the different values that are valid for the type entity of a registry item. These values describe the possible types of data stored in a registry key. restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe the different registry types. The empty string is also allowed as a valid value to support empty emlements associated with error conditions. Please note that the values identified are for the type entity and are not valid values for the datatype attribute. For information about how to encode registry data in OVAL for each of the different types, please visit the registry_item documentation.

Value Description


The reg_binary type is used by registry keys that specify binary data in any form.


The reg_dword type is used by registry keys that specify a 32-bit number.


The reg_expand_sz type is used by registry keys to specify a null-terminated string that contains unexpanded references to environment variables (for example, "%PATH%").


The reg_multi_sz type is used by registry keys that specify an array of null-terminated strings, terminated by two null characters.


The reg_none type is used by registry keys that have no defined value type.


The reg_qword type is used by registry keys that specify a 64-bit number.


The reg_sz type is used by registry keys that specify a single null-terminated string.


The empty string value is permitted here to allow for detailed error reporting.