Version 5.11 - Test Listing

This page provides a listing of all the tests that are available in the different component schemas. Deprecated tests are lined through.

AIX | Android | Apache | Apple iOS | ASA | CatOS | ESX | FreeBSD | HP-UX | Independent | IOS | IOS-XE | JunOS | LINUX | MacOS | NETCONF | PixOS | SharePoint | Solaris | UNIX | Windows |


(5 Tests)
interim_fix_test The interim fix test is used to check information associated with different interim or emergency fixes installed on the system. The information being tested is based off the emgr -l -u VUID command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an interim_fix_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
fileset_test The fileset_test is used to check information associated with different filesets installed on the system. The information used by this test is modeled after the /usr/bin/lslpp -l command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
fix_test The fix test is used to check information associated with different fixes installed on the system. The information being tested is based off the /usr/sbin/instfix -iavk command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an fix_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
no_test The no test is used to check information related to the /usr/sbin/no command and the parameters it manages. The no command sets or displays current or next boot values for network tuning parameters. The information being tested is based off the /usr/sbin/no -o command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a no_object and the optional state element specifies the value to check for.
oslevel_test The oslevel test reveals information about the release and maintenance level of AIX operating system. This information can be retrieved by the /usr/bin/oslevel -r command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an oslevel_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.


(13 Tests)
appmanager_test The appmanager_test is used to verify the applications installed on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a appmanager_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
bluetooth_test The bluetooth_test is used to check the status of bluetooth settings on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a bluetooth_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
camera_test The camera_test is used to check camera-related information.
certificate_test The certificate_test is used to check the certificates installed on the device.
devicesettings_test The devicesettings_test is used to check the status of various settings on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a devicesettings_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
encryption_test The encryption_test is used to check the encryption status on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a encryption_object and the optional state element references a encryption_state that specifies the information to check.
locationservice_test The locationservice_test is used to check the status of location based services. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a locationservice_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
network_test The network_test is used to check the status of network preferences on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a network_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
password_test The password test is used to check specific policy associated with passwords and the device screen lock. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a password_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
systemdetails_test The syste_details test is used to get system hardware and operating system information. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a systemdetails_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
wifi_test The wifi_test is used to check the status of general Wi-Fi settings on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a wifi_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
wifinetwork_test The wifinetwork_test is used to check information about the configured Wi-Fi networks on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a wifinetwork_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
telephony_test The telephony_test is used to check Telephony characteristics of system.


(1 Tests)
httpd_test The httpd test is used to check the version of an installed httpd binary. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an httpd_test and the optional state element specifies the data to check.

Apple iOS

(3 Tests)
globalrestrictions_test The globalrestrictions_test is used to check the status of the global restrictions in place on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a globalrestrictions_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
passcodepolicy_test The passcodepolicy_test is used to check the status of the passcode policy in place on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a passcodepolicy_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
profile_test The profile_test is used to check the status of the profiles in place on the device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a profile_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(11 Tests)
acl_test The acl test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an ACL configuration.
class_map_test The class_map test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an MPF class-map configuration.
interface_test The interface test is used to check for the existence of a particular interface on the Cisco ASA device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a interface_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
line_test The line_test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a SHOW command, such as SHOW RUNNING-CONFIG. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a line_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
policy_map_test The policy_map test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an policy-map ASA configuration.
service_policy_test The service_policy test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an MPF service-policy configuration.
snmp_host_test The snmp_host test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP configuration.
snmp_user_test The snmp_user test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP user configuration.
snmp_group_test The snmp_group test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP group configuration.
tcp_map_test The tcp_map test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a tcp-map ASA configuration.
version_test The version test is used to check the version of the ASA operating system. It is based off of the SHOW VERSION command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(4 Tests)
line_test The line_test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a SHOW command, such as show running-config. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a line_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
module_test The module test reveals module information in Cisco Catalyst switches. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a module_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. The module_test is based off the SHOW MODULE command. Having a separate module_test, as opposed to a general command_test, enables running an evaluation based on OVAL without having interactive command access to the device.
version55_test The version55_test is used to check the version of the Cisco CatOS operating system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check. The required information of version55_test can be got via a SHOW VERSION command. The separated version55_test enables an evaluation based on OVAL without having interactive command access to the device.
version_test The version test is used to check the version of the Cisco CatOS operating system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check. The required information of version_test can be got via a SHOW VERSION command. The separated version_test enables an evaluation based on OVAL without having interactive command access to the device.


(4 Tests)
patch56_test The patch56_test reveals the installation status of a specific patch or patches in VMware ESX Server. This information can be retrieved by the "esxupdate query" command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a patch56_object and the optional state element referencing a patch56_state specifies the metadata to check. Note that different from previous versions, ESX Server 3.0.3 and ESX Server 3.5 use the following patch naming convention: {ProductName}{VersionNumber}-{BundleID}-{Classification}{SupportLevel}. Please refer to for more detailed information.
patch_test The patch test reveals the installation status of a specific patch in the VMware ESX server. This information can be retrieved by the "esxupdate query | grep ESX-xxxxxxx" command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a patch_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
version_test The version test reveals information about the release and build version of the VMware ESX server. This information can be retrieved by the "vmware -v" command or by checking the /proc/vmware/version file. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
visdkmanagedobject_test The visdkmanagedobject_test is used to check information about Managed Objects in the VMware Infrastructure. This test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a visdkmanagedobject _object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. This test has been introduced to enable standardized automated assessments of configuration settings in cloud computing components. All aspects of the VMware cloud can be considered in this test due to the VMware Infrastructure. Whether it is a Virutal Machine, a Host System, or even a Data Center, properties are defined in ways that can be enumerated in a common methodology. The VI SDK Programming Guide located at serves as a great resource. Chapter 3 discusses the Managed Entities enumerated in the behaviors. There are several Managed Entities in the VMware Infrastructure which have been enumerated in ViSdkManagedEntityBehaviors to enable interpreters to execute efficient interrogations. This test is designed for an interpreter to access Managed Entity properties (settings) via the VI SDK webservice. An example use case is to interrogate all virtual machines to ensure that a particular security setting is enabled. Some properties serve to configure the Virtual Machine, while others can be used to identify. For example, sets and filters can be used to create a set of all Virtual Machines where bridged networking is employed, and then perform an OVAL state evaluation against each of those Virtual Machines. This concept applies to all properties across all Managed Entities. Use the ViSdkManagedEntityBehaviors to avoid enumerating all Managed Objects when only one type should be considered.


(1 Tests)
portinfo_test The port info test is used to check the properties of a component of a FreeBSD system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an portinfo_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(6 Tests)
getconf_test From /usr/bin/getconf. See getconf manpage for specific fields
ndd_test From /usr/bin/ndd. See ndd manpage for specific fields
patch53_test From /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch PHxx_yyyyy. See swlist manpage for specific fields
patch_test From /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch PHxx_yyyyy. See swlist manpage for specific fields
swlist_test Output of /usr/sbin/swlist command. Note: A quick way to check for the installation of a specific fileset is to use the command 'swlist -a version -l fileset filesetname'. See manpage for swlist for explanation of additional command options.
trusted_test This test allows for analysis of account settings in trusted HP-UX installations


(14 Tests)
family_test The family_test element is used to check the family a certain system belongs to. This test basically allows the high level system types (window, unix, ios, etc.) to be tested. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a family_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
filehash_test The file hash test is used to check the hashes associated with a specified file. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a filehash_object and the optional state element specifies the different hashes to check.
filehash58_test The file hash test is used to check a specific hash type associated with a specified file. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a filehash58_object and the optional state element specifies an expected hash value.
environmentvariable_test The environmentvariable_test element is used to check an environment variable found on the system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a environmentvariable_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
environmentvariable58_test The environmentvariable58_test element is used to check an environment variable for the specified process, which is identified by its process ID, on the system . It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a environmentvariable_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
ldap_test The LDAP test is used to check information about specific entries in an LDAP directory. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an ldap_object and the optional state element, ldap_state, specifies the metadata to check. Note that this test supports only simple (string based) value collection. For more complex values see the ldap57_test.
ldap57_test The LDAP test is used to check information about specific entries in an LDAP directory. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an ldap57_object and the optional state element, ldap57_state, specifies the metadata to check. Note that this test supports complex values that are in the form of a record. For simple (string based) value collection see the ldap_test.
sql_test The sql test is used to check information stored in a database. It is often the case that applications store configuration settings in a database as opposed to a file. This test has been designed to enable those settings to be tested. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a wmi_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
sql57_test The sql test is used to check information stored in a database. It is often the case that applications store configuration settings in a database as opposed to a file. This test has been designed to enable those settings to be tested. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a wmi_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
textfilecontent54_test The textfilecontent54_test element is used to check the contents of a text file (aka a configuration file) by looking at individual blocks of text. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a textfilecontent54_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
textfilecontent_test The textfilecontent_test element is used to check the contents of a text file (aka a configuration file) by looking at individual lines. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a textfilecontent_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
unknown_test An unknown_test acts as a placeholder for tests whose implementation is unknown. This test always evaluates to a result of 'unknown'. Any information that is known about the test should be held in the notes child element that is available through the extension of the abstract test element. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. Note that for an unknown_test, the required check attribute that is part of the extended TestType should be ignored during evaluation and hence can be set to any valid value.
variable_test The variable test allows the value of a variable to be compared to a defined value. As an example one might use this test to validate that a variable being passed in from an external source falls within a specified range. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a variable_object and the optional state element specifies the value to check.
xmlfilecontent_test The xmlfilecontent_test element is used to explore the contents of an xml file. This test allows specific pieces of an xml document specified using xpath to be tested. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a xmlfilecontent_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.


(17 Tests)
acl_test The acl test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an ACL configuration.
bgpneighbor_test The bgpneighbor test is used to check the bgp neighbpr properties of bgp instances instances in IOS.
global_test The global test is used to check for the existence of a particular line in the ios config file under the global context. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a global_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
interface_test The interface test is used to check for the existence of a particular interface on the Cisco IOS device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a interface_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
line_test The line test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a SHOW command, such as show running-config. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a line_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
router_test The router test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a router configurated instance in IOS.
routingprotocolauthintf_test The routing protocol authentication interface test is used to check the properties of routing protocol authentication configured under interfaces in IOS.
section_test The section test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a configuration section.
snmp_test Tests if lines under the global context associated with snmp that have a specifiec access list or community name.
snmpcommunity_test The snmpcommunity test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP configuration.
snmpgroup_test The snmpgroup test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP group configuration.
snmphost_test The snmphost test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP configuration.
snmpuser_test The snmpuser test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP user configuration.
snmpview_test The snmpview test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP view configuration.
tclsh_test The tclsh test is used to check tclsh information of the IOS operating system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a tclsh_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
version55_test The version55_test is used to check the version of the IOS operating system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
version_test The version test is used to check the version of the IOS operating system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(14 Tests)
global_test The global test is used to check for the existence of a particular line in the IOS-XE config file under the global context. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a global_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
line_test The line test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a SHOW command, such as show running-config. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a line_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
version_test The version_test is used to check the version of the IOS-XE operating system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
interface_test The interface test is used to check for the existence of a particular interface on the Cisco IOS-XE device. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a interface_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
section_test The section test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a configuration section.
router_test The router test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a router configurated instance in IOS-XE.
bgpneighbor_test The bgpneighbor test is used to check the bgp neighbpr properties of bgp instances instances in IOS.
routingprotocolauthintf_test The routing protocol authentication interface test is used to check the properties of routing protocol authentication configured under interfaces in IOS.
acl_test The acl test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an ACL configuration.
snmphost_test The snmphost test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP configuration.
snmpcommunity_test The snmpcommunity test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP configuration.
snmpuser_test The snmpuser test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP user configuration.
snmpgroup_test The snmpgroup test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP group configuration.
snmpview_test The snmpview test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from an SNMP view configuration.


(4 Tests)
show_test The show test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a SHOW command, such as "show configuration". It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a show_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
version_test The version_test is used to check the version of components of the JunOS operating system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
xml_show_test The XML show test is used to check the properties of specific output from an XML SHOW command, such as "show configuration | display xml". It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a xml_show_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(13 Tests)
dpkginfo_test The dpkginfo test is used to check information for a given DPKG package. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a dpkginfo_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
iflisteners_test The iflisteners_test is used to check what applications such as packet sniffers that are bound to an interface on the system. This is limited to applications that are listening on AF_PACKET sockets. Furthermore, only applications bound to an ethernet interface should be collected. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an iflisteners_object and the optional iflisteners_state element specifies the data to check.
inetlisteningservers_test The inet listening servers test is used to check what applications are listening on the network. This is limited to applications that are listening for connections that use the TCP or UDP protocols and have addresses represented as IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (AF_INET or AF_INET6). It is generally using the parsed output of running the command netstat -tuwlnpe with root privilege. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetlisteningservers_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
partition_test The partition_test is used to check the information associated with partitions on the local system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a partition_object and the optional state element references a partition_state that specifies the information to check.
rpminfo_test The rpminfo_test is used to check the RPM header information for a given RPM package. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a rpminfo_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
rpmverify_test The rpmverify_test is used to verify the integrity of installed RPMs. This test aligns with the rpm -V command for verifying RPMs. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a rpmverify_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
rpmverifyfile_test The rpmverifyfile_test is used to verify the integrity of the individual files in installed RPMs. This test aligns with the rpm -V command for verifying RPMs. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a rpmverifyfile_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
rpmverifypackage_test The rpmverifypackage_test is used to verify the integrity of installed RPMs. This test aligns with the rpm -V command for verifying RPMs. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a rpmverifypackage_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
selinuxboolean_test The selinuxboolean_test is used to check the current and pending status of a SELinux boolean. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a selinuxboolean_object and the optional state element references a selinuxboolean_state that specifies the metadata to check.
selinuxsecuritycontext_test The selinuxsecuritycontext_test is used to check the security context of a file or process on the local system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a selinuxsecuritycontext_object and the optional state element references a selinuxsecuritycontext_state that specifies the metadata to check.
slackwarepkginfo_test The slackware package info test is used to check information associated with a given Slackware package. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a slackwarepkginfo_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
systemdunitdependency_test The systemdunitdependency_test is used to retrieve information about dependencies of a single systemd unit in the form of a list. This list contains all dependencies, including transitive dependencies. For more information see the output generated by systemctl list-dependencies --plain $unit. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a systemdunitdependency_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
systemdunitproperty_test The systemdunitproperty_test is used to retrieve information about systemd units in form of properties. For more information see the output generated by systemctl show $unit. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a systemdunitproperty_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(18 Tests)
accountinfo_test User account information (username, uid, gid, etc.) See netinfo(5) for field information, niutil(1) for retrieving it. As of Mac OS 10.5, niutil(1) is no longer available, however, the same functionality can be obtained using dscl(1). Specifically, the command 'dscl . -list /Users' can be used to list all users and the command 'dscl . -read /Users/some_user passwd uid gid realname home shell' can be used to retrieve the attributes associated with an account.
authorizationdb_test The authorizationdb_test is used to check the properties of the plist-style XML output from the "security authorizationdb read >right-name<" command, for reading information about rights authorizations on MacOSX. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an authorizationdb_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
corestorage_test The corestorage_test is used to check the properties of the plist-style XML output from the "diskutil cs list -plist" command, for reading information about the CoreStorage setup on MacOSX. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an corestorage_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
diskutil_test The diskutil_test is used to verify disks on a Mac OS system. The information used by this test is modeled after the diskutil command. For more information, see diskutil(8). It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a diskutil_object and the optional diskutil_state element specifies the data to check.
gatekeeper_test The gatekeeper_test is used to check the status of Gatekeeper and any unsigned applications that have been granted execute permission.
inetlisteningservers_test This test's purpose is generally used to check if an application is listening on the network, either for a new connection or as part of an ongoing connection. This is limited to applications that are listening for connections that use the TCP or UDP protocols and have addresses represented as IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (AF_INET or AF_INET6). It is generally speaking the parsed output of running the command netstat -tuwlnpe with root privilege.
inetlisteningserver510_test The inetlisteningserver510_test is used to check if an application is listening on the network, either for a new connection or as part of an ongoing connection. This is limited to applications that are listening for connections that use the TCP or UDP protocols and have addresses represented as IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (AF_INET or AF_INET6). One method for retrieving the required information is by parsing the output of the command 'lsof -i -P -n -l' with root privileges.
keychain_test The keychain_test is used to check the properties of the plist-style XML output from the "security show-keychain-info >keychain<" command, for reading information about keychain settings on MacOSX. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an keychain_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
launchd_test The launchd_test is used to check the status of daemons/agents loaded via the launchd service. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a launchd_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
nvram_test This test pulls data from the 'nvram -p' output.
plist_test The plist_test is used to check the value(s) associated with property list preference keys. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a plist_object and the optional plist_state element specifies the data to check.
plist510_test The plist510_test is used to check the value(s) associated with property list preference keys. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a plist510_object and the optional plist510_state element specifies the data to check.
pwpolicy_test This test pulls data from the 'pwpolicy -getpolicy' output. The actual values get stored under /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb/ in a Store.# file. Is this test actually needed, or can the text file content test be used instead?
pwpolicy59_test This test retrieves password policy data from the 'pwpolicy -getpolicy -u target_user [-a username] [-p userpass] [-n directory_node]' output where username, userpass, and directory_node are optional. Please see the 'pwpolicy' man page for additional information.
rlimit_test The rlimit_test is used to check system resource limits for launchd. It is a singleton object. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The state element specifies the system setup elements to check.
softwareupdate_test The softwareupdate_test is used to check the status of automatic software updates on MacOSX. It is a singleton object. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The state element specifies the softwareupdate elements to check.
systemprofiler_test The systemprofiler_test is used to check the properties of the plist-style XML output from the "system_profiler -xml <data type>" command, for reading information about system inventory data on MacOSX. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an systemprofiler_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
systemsetup_test The systemsetup_test is used to check systemsetup properties. It is a singleton object. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The state element specifies the system setup elements to check.


(1 Tests)
config_test The config_test is used to check the properties of the XML output from a GET-CONFIG command, for the running configuration. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a config_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(2 Tests)
line_test The line_test is used to check the properties of specific output lines from a SHOW command, such as SHOW RUNNING-CONFIG. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a line_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
version_test The version test is used to check the version of the PIX operating system. It is based off of the SHOW VERSION command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a version_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.


(16 Tests)
spwebapplication_test The spwebapplication test is used to check the properties or permission settings of a SharePoint web application. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a spwebapplication_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
spgroup_test The spgroup test is used to check the group properties for site collections. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an spwebapplication_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
spweb_test The spweb test is used to check the properties for site collections. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an spwebapplication_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
splist_test The splist test is used to check the properties of lists associated with a SharePoint site or site collection. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an splist_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
spantivirussettings_test The spantivirussettings test is used to check the settings for antivirus software associated with a SharePoint deployment.
spsiteadministration_test The spsiteadministration test is used to check the properties of a site. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an spwebapplication_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
spsite_test The spsite test is used to check the properties of a site. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an spwebapplication_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
spcrawlrule_test The spcrawlrule test is used to check the configuration or rules associated with the SharePoint system's built-in indexer and the sites or documents that will be indexed.
spjobdefinition_test The spjobdefinition test is used to check the status of the various properties associated with scheduled jobs in the SharePoint system.
spjobdefinition510_test The spjobdefinition test is used to check the status of the various properties associated with scheduled jobs in the SharePoint system.
bestbet_test The bestbet test is used to get all the best bets associated with a site.
infopolicycoll_test The policycoll test is used to get all the Information Policies associated with a site.
spdiagnosticsservice_test The spdiagnosticsservice test is used to check the diagnostic properties associated with a Sharepoint system.
spdiagnosticslevel_test The spdiagnosticslevel_test is used to check the status of the logging features associated with a Sharepoint deployment.
sppolicyfeature_test The sppolicyfeature test enables one to check the attributes associated with policies and policy features on the Sharepoint deployment.
sppolicy_test The sppolicy test enables one to check the attributes of the policies associated with a particular URL Zone in a Sharepoint system.


(16 Tests)
facet_test The facet_test is used to check the facets associated with the specified Image Packaging System image. Facets are properties that control whether or not optional components from a package are installed on a system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an facet_object and the optional state elements reference a facet_state and specifies the data to check.
image_test The image_test provides support for checking the metadata of IPS images on Solaris systems. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a image_object and the optional state elements reference image_states that specify the metadata to check about a set of images.
isainfo_test The isainfo test reveals information about the instruction set architectures. This information can be retrieved by the isainfo command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an isainfo_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. The isainfo_test was originally developed by Robert L. Hollis at ThreatGuard, Inc. Many thanks for their support of the OVAL project.
ndd_test From /usr/bin/ndd. See ndd manpage for specific fields
package_test The package test is used to check information associated with different SVR4 packages installed on the system. Image Packaging System (IPS) packages are not supported by this test. The information used by this test is modeled after the /usr/bin/pkginfo command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an package_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
package511_test The package511_test provides support for checking the metadata of packages installed using the Solaris Image Packaging System. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a package511_object and the optional state elements reference package511_states that specify the metadata to check about a set of packages.
packageavoidlist_test The packageavoidlist_test provides support for checking the metadata of IPS packages that have been flagged as needing to avoid from installation on a Solaris system. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a packageavoidlist_object and the optional state elements reference packageavoidlist_states that specify the metadata to check about a set of packages that have been flagged as to be avoided on a Solaris system.
packagecheck_test The packagecheck_test is used to verify the integrity of an installed Solaris SVR4 package. Image Packaging System (IPS) packages are not supported by this test. The information used by this test is modeled after the pkgchk command. For more information, see pkgchk(1M). It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a packagecheck_object and the optional packagecheck_state element specifies the data to check.
packagefreezelist_test The packagefreezelist_test provides support for checking the metadata of IPS packages that have been frozen at a particular version. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a packagefreezelist_object and the optional state elements reference packagefreezelist_states that specify the metadata to check about a set of packages.
packagepublisher_test The packagepublisher_test provides support for checking the metadata of package publishers on a Solaris system. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a packagepublisher_object and the optional state elements reference packagepublisher_states that specify the metadata to check about a set of package publishers on a Solaris system.
patch54_test The patch test is used to check information associated with different patches for SVR4 packages installed on the system. Image Packaging System (IPS) packages do not support patches and are not supported by this test. The information being tested is based off the /usr/bin/showrev -p command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
patch_test The patch test is used to check information associated with different patches installed on the system. The information being tested is based off the /usr/bin/showrev -p command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
smf_test The smf_test is used to check service management facility controlled services including traditional unix rc level start/kill scrips and inetd daemon services. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a smf_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
smfproperty_test The smfproperty_test is used to check the value of properties associated with SMF services. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an smfproperty_object and the optional state elements reference a smfproperty_state and specifies the data to check.
variant_test The variant_test is used to check the variants associated with the current Image Packaging System image. Variants are properties that control whether or not mutually exclusive components from a package are installed on a system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an variant_object and the optional state elements reference a variant_state and specifies the data to check.
virtualizationinfo_test The virtualizationinfo_test provides support for checking the metadata associated with the current virtualization environment this instance of Solaris is running on. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a virtualizationinfo_object and the optional state elements reference virtualizationinfo_states that specify the metadata to check the current virtualization environment.


(17 Tests)
dnscache_test The dnscache_test is used to check the time to live and IP addresses associated with a domain name. The time to live and IP addresses for a particular domain name are retrieved from the DNS cache on the local system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a dnscache_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
file_test The file test is used to check metadata associated with UNIX files, of the sort returned by either an ls command, stat command or stat() system call. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a file_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
fileextendedattribute_test The file extended attribute test is used to check extended attribute values associated with UNIX files, of the sort returned by the getfattr command or getxattr() system call. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a fileextendedattribute_object and the optional state element specifies the extended attributes to check. NOTE: Solaris has a very different implementation of "extended attributes" in which the attributes are really an orthogonal directory hierarchy of files. See the Solaris documentation for more details. The file extended attribute test only handles simple name/value pairs as implemented by most other UNIX derived operating systems.
gconf_test The gconf_test is used to check the attributes and value(s) associated with GConf preference keys. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a gconf_object and the optional gconf_state element specifies the data to check.
inetd_test The inetd test is used to check information associated with different Internet services. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
interface_test The interface test enumerates various attributes about the interfaces on a system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an interface_object and the optional state element specifies the interface information to check.
password_test /etc/passwd. See passwd(4). The password test is used to check metadata associated with the UNIX password file, of the sort returned by the passwd command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a password_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
process_test The process test is used to check information found in the UNIX processes. It is equivalent to parsing the output of the ps command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a process_object and the optional state element specifies the process information to check.
process58_test The process58_test is used to check information found in the UNIX processes. It is equivalent to parsing the output of the ps command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a process58_object and the optional state element references a process58_state that specifies the process information to check.
routingtable_test The routingtable_test is used to check information about the IPv4 and IPv6 routing table entries found in a system's primary routing table. It is important to note that only numerical addresses will be collected and that their symbolic representations will not be resolved. This equivalent to using the '-n' option with route(8) or netstat(8). It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a routingtable_object and the optional routingtable_state element specifies the data to check.
runlevel_test The runlevel test is used to check information about which runlevel specified services are scheduled to exist at. For more information see the output generated by a chkconfig --list. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a runlevel_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
shadow_test The shadow test is used to check information from the /etc/shadow file for a specific user. This file contains a user's password, but also their password aging and lockout information. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an shadow_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.
symlink_test The symlink_test is used to obtain canonical path information for symbolic links.
sysctl_test The sysctl_test is used to check the values associated with the kernel parameters that are used by the local system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a sysctl_object and the optional state element references a sysctl_state that specifies the information to check.
uname_test The uname test reveals information about the hardware the machine is running on. This information is the parsed equivalent of uname -a. For example: "Linux quark 2.6.5-7.108-default #1 Wed Aug 25 13:34:40 UTC 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux" or "Darwin TestHost 7.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.7.0: Sun Nov 7 16:06:51 PST 2004; root:xnu/xnu-517.9.5.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc". It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a uname_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
xinetd_test The xinetd test is used to check information associated with different Internet services. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check.


(47 Tests)
accesstoken_test The accesstoken_test is used to check the properties of a Windows access token as well as individual privileges and rights associated with it. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an accesstoken_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.
activedirectory_test The active directory test is used to check information about specific entries in active directory. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an activedirectory_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. Note that this test supports only simple (string based) value collection. For more complex values see the activedirectory57_test.
activedirectory57_test The active directory test is used to check information about specific entries in active directory. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an activedirectory57_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. Note that this test supports complex values that are in the form of a record. For simple (string based) value collection see the activedirectory_test.
auditeventpolicy_test The auditeventpolicy_test is used to check different types of events the system should audit. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a auditeventpolicy_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
auditeventpolicysubcategories_test The auditeventpolicysubcategories_test is used to check the audit event policy settings on a Windows system. These settings are used to specify which system and network events are monitored. For example, if the credential_validation element has a value of AUDIT_FAILURE, it means that the system is configured to log all unsuccessful attempts to validate a user account on a system. It is important to note that these audit event policy settings are specific to certain versions of Windows. As a result, the documentation for that version of Windows should be consulted for more information on each setting. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a auditeventpolicy_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
cmdlet_test The cmdlet_test is used to levarage a PowerShell cmdlet to check a Windows system. The test extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a cmdlet_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
dnscache_test The dnscache_test is used to check the time to live and IP addresses associated with a domain name. The time to live and IP addresses for a particular domain name are retrieved from the DNS cache on the local system. The entries in the DNS cache can be collected using Microsoft's DnsGetCacheDataTable() and DnsQuery() API calls. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a dnscache_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
file_test The file test is used to check metadata associated with Windows files. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a file_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
fileauditedpermissions53_test The file audit permissions test is used to check the audit permissions associated with Windows files. Note that the trustee's audited permissions are the audit permissons that the SACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a fileauditedpermissions_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
fileauditedpermissions_test The file audited permissions test is used to check the audit permissions associated with Windows files. Note that the trustee's audited permissions are the audit permissons that the SACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a fileauditedpermissions_object, and the optional state element references a fileauditedpermissions_state that specifies the metadata to check.
fileeffectiverights53_test The file effective rights test is used to check the effective rights associated with Windows files. Note that the trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the DACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. The fileeffectiverights53_test element extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a fileeffectiverights53_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
fileeffectiverights_test The file effective rights test is used to check the effective rights associated with Windows files. Note that the trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the DACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. The fileeffectiverights_test element extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a fileeffectiverights_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
group_test The group_test allows the different users and subgroups, that directly belong to specific groups (identified by name), to be tested. When the group_test collects the groups on the system, it should only include the local and built-in group accounts and not domain group accounts. However, it is important to note that domain group accounts can still be looked up. Also, note that the subgroups of the group will not be resolved to find indirect user and group members. If the subgroups need to be resolved, it should be done using the sid_object. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a group_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
group_sid_test The group_sid_test allows the different users and subgroups, that directly belong to specific groups (identified by SID), to be tested. When the group_sid_test collects the group SIDs on the system, it should only include the local and built-in group SIDs and not domain group SIDs. However, it is important to note that domain group SIDs can still be looked up. Also, note that the subgroups of the group will not be resolved to find indirect user and group members. If the subgroups need to be resolved, it should be done using the sid_sid_object. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a group_sid_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
interface_test The interface test enumerate various attributes about the interfaces on a system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an interface_object and the optional state element specifies the interface information to check.
license_test The license_test is used to check the content of a particular entry in the Windows registry HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions key, ProductPolicy value. Access to this data is exposed by the functions NtQueryLicenseValue (and also, in version 6.0 and higher, ZwQueryLicenseValue) in NTDLL.DLL.
lockoutpolicy_test The lockout policy test enumerates various attributes associated with lockout information for users and global groups in the security database. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a lockoutpolicy_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
metabase_test The metabase test is used to check information found in the Windows metabase. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a metabase_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
ntuser_test The ntuser test is used to check metadata associated with Windows ntuser.dat files. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a ntuser_object and the optional state element specifies the ntuser data to check.
passwordpolicy_test The password policy test is used to check specific policy associated with passwords. It is important to note that these policies are specific to certain versions of Windows. As a result, the documentation for that version of Windows should be consulted for more information. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a passwordpolicy_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. NOTE: This information is stored in the SAM or Active Directory but is encrypted or hidden so the registry_test and activedirectory57_test are of no use. If this can be figured out, then the password_policy test is not needed.
peheader_test The peheader_test is used to check data from a Portable Executable file header. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a peheader_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
port_test The port test is used to check information about the available ports on a Windows system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a port_object and the optional state element specifies the port information to check.
printereffectiverights_test The printer effective rights test is used to check the effective rights associated with Windows printers. The printereffectiverights_test element extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a printereffectiverights_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
process_test The process_test is used to check information found in the Windows processes. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a process_object and the optional state element references a process_state element that specifies the process information to check.
process58_test The process58_test is used to check information found in the Windows processes. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a process58_object and the optional state element references a process58_state element that specifies the process information to check.
registry_test The registry test is used to check metadata associated with Windows registry key. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a registry_object and the optional state element specifies the registry data to check.
regkeyauditedpermissions53_test The registry key audited permissions test is used to check the audit permissions associated with Windows registry keys. Note that the trustee's audited permissions are the audit permissons that the SACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a regkeyauditedpermissions53_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
regkeyauditedpermissions_test The registry key audited permissions test is used to check the audit permissions associated with Windows registry keys. Note that the trustee's audited permissions are the audit permissons that the SACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a regkeyauditedpermissions_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
regkeyeffectiverights53_test The registry key effective rights test is used to check the effective rights associated with Windows files. Note that the trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the DACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. The regkeyeffectiverights53_test element extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a regkeyeffectiverights53_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
regkeyeffectiverights_test The registry key effective rights test is used to check the effective rights associated with Windows files. Note that the trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the DACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. The regkeyeffectiverights_test element extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a regkeyeffectiverights_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
service_test The service_test is used to check metadata associated with Windows services. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a service_object and the optional state elements specify the metadata to check.
serviceeffectiverights_test The service effective rights test is used to check the effective rights associated with Windows services. Note that the trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the DACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. The serviceeffectiverights_test element extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a serviceeffectiverights_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
sharedresource_test The shared resource test is used to check properties associated with any shared resource on the system. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a sharedresource_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
sharedresourceauditedpermissions_test The shared resource audited permissions test is used to check the audit permissions associated with any shared resource on the system. Note that the trustee's audited permissions are the audit permissons that the SACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a sharedresourceauditedpermissions_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
sharedresourceeffectiverights_test The shared resource effective rights test is used to check the effective rights associated with any shared resource on the system. Note that the trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the DACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a sharedresourceeffectiverights_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
sid_test The SID test is used to check properties associated with the specified SID. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a sid_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
sid_sid_test The sid_sid_test is used to check properties associated with the specified SID. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a sid_sid_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. Note that this sid_sid test was added in version 5.4 as a temporary fix. There is a need within the community to identify things like users and groups by both the name and the SID. For version 6 of OVAL, work is underway for a better solution to the problem, but for now, a second test was added to satisfy the need.
systemmetric_test The system metric test is used to check the value of a particular Windows system metric. Access to this information is exposed by the GetSystemMetrics function in User32.dll.
uac_test The user access control test is used to check setting related to User Access Control within Windows. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a uaac_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
user_test The user_test is used to check information about Windows users. When the user_test collects the users on the system, it should only include the local and built-in user accounts and not domain user accounts. However, it is important to note that domain user accounts can still be looked up. Also, note that the collection of groups, for which a user is a member, is not recursive. The only groups that will be collected are those for which the user is a direct member. For example, if a user is a member of group A, and group A is a member of group B, the only group that will be collected is group A. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a user_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
user_sid55_test The user_sid55_test is used to check information about Windows users. When the user_sid55_test collects the user SIDs on the system, it should only include the local and built-in user SIDs and not domain user SIDs. However, it is important to note that domain user SIDs can still be looked up. Also, note that the collection of groups, for which a user is a member, is not recursive. The only groups that will be collected are those for which the user is a direct member. For example, if a user is a member of group A, and group A is a member of group B, the only group that will be collected is group A. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a user_sid55_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
user_sid_test The user_sid_test is used to check information about Windows users. When the user_sid_test collects the user SIDs on the system, it should only include the local and built-in user SIDs and not domain user SIDs. However, it is important to note that domain user SIDs can still be looked up. Also, note that the collection of groups, for which a user is a member, is not recursive. The only groups that will be collected are those for which the user is a direct member. For example, if a user is a member of group A, and group A is a member of group B, the only group that will be collected is group A. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a user_sid_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
userright_test The userright_test is used to enumerate all of the SIDs that have been granted a specific user right/privilege.
volume_test The volume_test is used to check information about different storage volumes found on a Windows system. This includes the various system flags returned by GetVolumeInformation(). It is important to note that these system flags are specific to certain versions of Windows. As a result, the documentation for that version of Windows should be consulted for more information. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a volume_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
wmi_test The wmi test is used to check information accessed by WMI. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a wmi_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
wmi57_test The wmi57 test is used to check information accessed by WMI. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a wmi57_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check.
wuaupdatesearcher_test The wuaupdatesearcher_test is used to evaluate patch level in a Windows environment utilizing the WUA (Windows Update Agent) interface. It is based on the Search method of the IUpdateSearcher interface found in the WUA API. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a wuaupdatesearcher_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. Note that WUA can work off of many different sources including WSUS,, and a local cab file. The content source is specific to a given system evaluating a wuaupdatesearcher_test and thus is not defined by this test. The tool being used for evaluation should determine what content source is best for the system being assessed and then evaluate this test based on that selection.