- Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language -
Deprecation Report

< rpmverify_test >

Deprecated As Of Version: 5.10
Reason: Replaced by the rpmverifyfile_test and the rpmverifypackage_test. The rpmverify_test was split into two tests to distinguish between the verification of the files in an rpm and the verification of an rpm as a whole. By making this distinction, content authoring is simplified and information is no longer duplicated across items. See the rpmverifyfile_test and rpmverifypackage_test.
Comment: This test has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.

The rpmverify_test is used to verify the integrity of installed RPMs. This test aligns with the rpm -V command for verifying RPMs. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a rpmverify_object and the optional state element specifies the data to check.

< rpmverify_object >

Deprecated As Of Version: 5.10
Reason: Replaced by the rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object. The rpmverify_test was split into two tests to distinguish between the verification of the files in an rpm and the verification of an rpm as a whole. By making this distinction, content authoring is simplified and information is no longer duplicated across items. See the rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object.
Comment: This object has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.

The rpmverify_object element is used by a rpmverify_test to define a set of files within a set of RPMs to verify. Each object extends the standard ObjectType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the ObjectType description for more information. The common set element allows complex objects to be created using filters and set logic. Again, please refer to the description of the set element in the oval-definitions-schema.

< rpmverify_state >

Deprecated As Of Version: 5.10
Reason: Replaced by the rpmverifyfile_state and rpmverifypackage_state. The rpmverify_test was split into two tests to distinguish between the verification of the files in an rpm and the verification of an rpm as a whole. By making this distinction, content authoring is simplified and information is no longer duplicated across items. See the rpmverifyfile_state and rpmverifypackage_state.
Comment: This state has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.

The rpmverify_state element defines the different information that can be used to evaluate the specified rpm. This includes the architecture, epoch number, and version numbers. Most of this information can be obtained through the rpm function. Please refer to the individual elements in the schema for more details about what each represents.

== RpmVerifyBehaviors ==

Deprecated As Of Version: 5.10
Reason: Replaced by the RpmVerifyFileBehaviors and the RpmVerifyPackageBehaviors. The RpmVerifyBehaviors complex type is used by the rpmverify_test which was split into two tests to distinguish between the verification of the files in an rpm and the verification of an rpm as a whole. By making this distinction, content authoring is simplified and information is no longer duplicated across items. The new tests utilize the RpmVerifyFileBehaviors and RpmVerifyPackageBehaviors complex types, and as a result, the RpmVerifyBehaviors complex type is no longer needed.
Comment: This complex type has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.

The RpmVerifyBehaviors complex type defines a set of behaviors that for controlling how installed rpms are verified. These behaviors align with the verify-options of the rpm command with the addition of two behaviors that will indicate that a file with a given attribute marker should not be collected.

< rpmverifypackage_state >

The rpmverifypackage_state element defines the different information that can be used to verify the integrity of installed rpms. This includes the architecture, epoch number, version numbers, verification of variuos attributes of an rpm. Most of this information can be obtained through the rpm function. Please refer to the individual elements in the schema for more details about what each represents.

Child Elements Deprecation Info

The digest_check_passed entity indicates whether or not the verification of the package or header digests passed. If the digest check is not performed, due to the 'nodigest' behavior, this entity must not be collected.

Deprecated As Of Version: 5.11
Reason: The digest_check_passed entity can not be collected as implemented, and has become irrelevant.
Comment: This entity has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.

The signature_check_passed entity indicates whether or not the verification of the package or header signatures passed. If the signature check is not performed, due to the 'nosignature' behavior, this entity must not be collected.

Deprecated As Of Version: 5.11
Reason: The signature_check_passed entity can not be collected as implemented, and has become irrelevant.
Comment: This entity has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.

== RpmVerifyPackageBehaviors ==

The RpmVerifyPackageBehaviors complex type defines a set of behaviors that for controlling how installed rpms are verified. These behaviors align with the verify-options of the rpm command.


- nodigest xsd:boolean (optional -- default='false')
Deprecated As Of Version: 5.11
Reason: The nodigest behavior has become irrelevant since the element it impacts has been deprecated.
Comment: This test has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.
- nosignature xsd:boolean (optional -- default='false')
Deprecated As Of Version: 5.11
Reason: The nosignature behavior has become irrelevant since the element it impacts has been deprecated.
Comment: This test has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.