- Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language -
Element Dictionary

The following is a description of the elements, types, and attributes that compose the UNIX specific system characteristic items found in Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL). Each item is an extension of the standard item element defined in the Core System Characteristic Schema. Through extension, each item inherits a set of elements and attributes that are shared amongst all OVAL Items. Each item is described in detail and should provide the information necessary to understand what each element and attribute represents. This document is intended for developers and assumes some familiarity with XML. A high level description of the interaction between the different tests and their relationship to the Core System Characteristic Schema is not outlined here.

The OVAL Schema is maintained by The Mitre Corporation and developed by the public OVAL Community. For more information, including how to get involved in the project and how to submit change requests, please visit the OVAL website at http://oval.mitre.org.

< file_item >

The file item holds information about the individual files found on a system. Each file item contains path and filename information as well as its type, associated user and group ids, relevant dates, and the privialeges granted. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
type oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
group_id oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
user_id oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
a_time oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
c_time oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
m_time oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
size oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
suid oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sgid oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
sticky oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
uread oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
uwrite oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
uexec oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
gread oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
gwrite oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
gexec oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
oread oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
owrite oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
oexec oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< inetd_item >

The inetd item holds information associated with different Internet services. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
protocol oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
service_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
server_program oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
server_arguments oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
endpoint_type unix-sc:EntityEndpointType 0 1
exec_as_user oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
wait_status unix-sc:EntityWaitStatusType 0 1

< interface_item >

The interface item holds information about the interfaces on a system. Each interface item contains name and address information as well as any associated flags. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
hardware_addr oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
inet_addr oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
broadcast_addr oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
netmask oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
flag oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 unbounded

< password_item >

/etc/passwd. See passwd(4).

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
username oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
password oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
user_id oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
group_id oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
gcos oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
home_dir oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
login_shell oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< process_item >

Output of /usr/bin/ps. See ps(1).

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
command oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
exec_time oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
pid oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
ppid oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
priority oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
scheduling_class oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
start_time oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
tty oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
user_id oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< runlevel_item >

The runlevel item holds information about the start or kill state of a specified service at a given runlevel. Each runlevel item contains service_name and runlevel information as well as start and kill information. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
service_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
runlevel oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
start oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
kill oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

< sccs_item >

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
module_name oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
module_type oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1
release oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
level oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
branch oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
sequence oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
what_string oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< shadow_item >

/etc/shadow. See shadow(4).

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
username oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
password oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
chg_lst oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
chg_allow oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
chg_req oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
exp_warn oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
exp_inact oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
exp_date oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
flag oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< uname_item >

Information about the hardware the machine is running on. This information is the parsed equivalent of uname -a.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
machine_class oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
node_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
os_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
os_release oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
os_version oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
processor_type oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1

< xinetd_item >

The xinetd item holds information associated with different Internet services. It extends the standard ItemType as defined in the oval-system-characteristics schema and one should refer to the ItemType description for more information.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
protocol oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
service_name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
flags oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
no_access oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
only_from oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
port oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
server oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
server_arguments oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
socket_type oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
type unix-sc:EntityXinetdTypeStatusType 0 1
user oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
wait oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1
disabled oval-sc:EntityItemBoolType 0 1

== EntityEndpointType ==

The EntityEndpointType complex type restricts a string value to a specific set of values that describe endpoint types associated with an Internet service. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description

== EntityXinetdTypeStatusType ==

The EntityXinetdTypeStatusType complex type restricts a string value to three values, either RPC, INTERNAL, or UNLISTED that specify the type of service registered in xinetd. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description

The INTERNAL type is used to describe services like echo, chargen, and others whose functionality is supplied by xinetd itself.


The RPC type is used to describe services that use remote procedure call ala NFS.


The UNLISTED type is used to describe services that aren't listed in /etc/protocols or /etc/rpc.

== EntityWaitStatusType ==

The EntityWaitStatusType complex type restricts a string value to two values, either wait or nowait, that specify whether the server that is invoked by inetd will take over the listening socket associated with the service, and whether once launched, inetd will wait for that server to exit, if ever, before it resumes listening for new service requests. The empty string is also allowed to support empty emlement associated with error conditions.

Value Description